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DialoGraph: Incorporating Interpretable Strategy-Graph Networks into Negotiation Dialogues #22

Open Akasuyi opened 2 years ago

Akasuyi commented 2 years ago

使用图神经网络GAT(Graph Attention Networks)来处理谈判数据集CraigslistBargain(商家与消费者商议商品价格的一个数据集)



1 数据集



A: Hello B: Hello there A: So, are you interested in this great TV? Honestly, I barely used it and decided to sell it because I don’t really watch much TV these days. I’m selling it for \$275 B: I am definitely interested in the TV, but it being 10 years old has me a bit skeptical. How does the TV look running movies and games, if you don’t mind me asking. A: It’s full HD at 1080p and it looks great. The TV works like it is brand new. I’ll throw in a DVD player that was hooked up to it for the same price of \$275 B: The DVD player sounds nice, but unfortunately I’m on somewhat of a budget. Would you be willing to drop the price a tad, maybe ​\$230? A: 230 is kind of low. I’ll tell ya what, if you come pick it up where it is located I’ll sell it for \$260 B: Throw in a couple of movies with that DVD player,and you have yourself a deal. A: Deal. B: OFFER \$260.00 A: ACCEPT


2 模型

数据集一共有三个部分:(1 机器与消费者之间的对话;(2 双方的谈判策略 ;(3 对话的意图(dialogue action),分别用三个(两种)encoder来embed

hierarchical dialogue encoder:用于embed(1 ,利用BERT来embed对话,再将每一轮对话embed后作为GRU每个时间步的输入并将最后一个时间步的隐向量作为输出。

structure encoder:用于分别embed (2 和(3,即策略和对话意图,以策略为例,先将策略构建成有向图,然后再利用GAT以及Adaptive Structure Aware Pooling (ASAP) 层,来获得各个节点的向量表示,通过拼接平均和相加节点的向量表示来获得最后的整个图的向量表示。

decoder:利用前述的三个encoder的输出拼接后作为decoder的输入,decoder为一个GRU,将GRU每个时间步的隐状态通过softmax函数来生成与消费者的对话,值得注意的是协商的价格是用place holder来表示的,如\<现在的价格打八五折>



3 评价方法

用于多分类问题的macro 和 micro F1,可见http://sofasofa.io/forum_main_post.php?postid=1001112

以及ROC AUC score,BLUE score

4 其他



5 好的句子

We threshold the probability by 0.5 to obtain the k-hot representation.

we bold the best results for a metric in all tables (several results are in bold if they have statistically insignificant differences).

This representation is enriched with the encodings of explicit strategy and dialogue act sequences using the structure encoders which is then used to condition the Utterance decoder. Please