iziteq / izi-api-schemes

JSON Schemes for IZI.API validation
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Add a schema for compact tours #3

Closed bartfeenstra closed 9 years ago

bartfeenstra commented 9 years ago

There is no schema for compact tours and tourist attractions. Could you add them? Please refer to Andrei Arkhipov to verify the priority of this request.

vitaly-dukhov commented 9 years ago

We use common schema for all CompactMTGObjects (compactmtgobjects/common_compact_object)

Do you need a scheme for tour or for all compact objects(museum, exhibit, collection etc)?

bartfeenstra commented 9 years ago

I used the common schema, but for forwards-compatibility having a specific schema per object type is best, so you can easily add properties without anyone having to use a different schema. Until there are new properties, the tour and tourist attraction schemas can just be a references to the common schema.

vitaly-dukhov commented 9 years ago

OK. I will add all schemes on Monday.

bartfeenstra commented 9 years ago

Example: In version 1.0.0 there are no special properties for tours and tourist attractions, so their schemas are just references to the common schema. In version 1.1.0 you can extend these schemas with optional properties, but our application (the new website) will not have to be changed at all, because it uses the tour and tourist attraction schemas already. We just pull in the updates through Composer and we're done.

vitaly-dukhov commented 9 years ago

On Tuesday. On Monday we have Day off International Women's Day

vitaly-dukhov commented 9 years ago

Could you add base variant of tour compact schema (with reference to common schema....) Later I will actualize it (fill with the correct set of properties) .

vitaly-dukhov commented 9 years ago

I've added compact tour schema. PLs check check that it's what you need

bartfeenstra commented 9 years ago

Thanks, they work well. Could you add some more for compact tourist attractions, compact exhibits, compact museums, compact story navigations, and compact collections? Then there will be a schema for every object type.

vitaly-dukhov commented 9 years ago

Have done