izqui / Taylor

A lightweight library for writing HTTP web servers with Swift
MIT License
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Taylor + Lightweight ORM #20

Open levin-ilya opened 8 years ago

levin-ilya commented 8 years ago

Anyone interested in starting a lightweight ORM to work with Taylor?

Curious to know people thoughts on this...


Danappelxx commented 8 years ago

I've been slowly working on a modular web-framework built around Taylor called Mast. It's not anywhere near alpha and right now the Readme doesn't even reflect what I want it to be, but eventually it will be something great. Personally (I'm biased) I think that no library should be all-inclusive, so if you make an ORM for Taylor I encourage you to create it as a completely separate (but combosable) library, or as a module for Mast (which would be absolutely amazing!).

tl;dr: Do it modularly or don't do it at all 😛

izqui commented 8 years ago


levin-ilya commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I will check out Mast! I'm in the middle of an iPhone project now, but once i'm done i'll have some time to help out. So if someone else wants to start it, this is fine as well.

Very excited about all these projects!