izuzak / pmrpc

HTML5 inter-window and Web workers RPC and publish-subscribe communication library
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Add support for WebSockets and WebRTC DataChannels #14

Open piranna opened 11 years ago

piranna commented 11 years ago

Since API for inter-window communications is fairly similar to the one of WebSocket and DataChannels (send() instead of postMessage(), and both answering on 'message' events) it would be a simple and nice feature to expand pmrpc functionality to add it.

The use case I'm thinking about is to be able to use without any diference a functionality running localy on a WebWorker or on a remote server using WebSockets, or extending the inter-window functionality to diferent browsers running on diferent machines thanks to DataChannels.

izuzak commented 11 years ago

Hey @piranna! Sorry for not getting back sooner.

You have an awesome idea there! And actually -- it's something along those line that I've had as a goal back when I was developing pmrpc. Pmrpc was primarily a research project and adding cross-browser capabilities (either browser-browser or browser-server) was one of such researchy features I wanted to try. Back then - WebSockets and WebRTC didn't exist (or were just being roughly specified) so I didn't do it then, and kind of never got around to it once WS and WebRTC were stable technologies.

Anyway, I'd love to see such feature in pmrpc or as an extension/plugin of pmrpc. The biggest problem in this happening is that I currently don't have the time to hack on it. However, if you want to give it a shot - I'm very open to contributions! :+1: :+1: :+1: Also, the library itself could use some love (a rewrite) to make it more up-to-date and comprehensible.

Thanks again for the feedback, and do let me know if you want to dive in. :) :fireworks:

piranna commented 11 years ago

Well, my idea was to do it myself for my own project since several months ago, but since currently PeerConnection objects can't be created from inside an WebWorker I didn't think too much on it, and since now I don't have the time too I was thinking about delegate it to you since you knew more the library :-P Let's maintain this issue open until one of the two have time to do it ;-)