I was about to get my hands on migrating the debugger to Pharo 10.
I happily discovered that you already did it!
Still, I wondered about the code to check if everything was working fine, and I learned that the parsing debugger does not work with non-GLR parsers.
As a workaround, I implement two methods at #SmaCCParser
^ stateStack.
^ currentToken.
It seems to be enough. If you are interested, I can make a pull request with that. I would like any what you think about these changes.
I was about to get my hands on migrating the debugger to Pharo 10. I happily discovered that you already did it! Still, I wondered about the code to check if everything was working fine, and I learned that the parsing debugger does not work with non-GLR parsers. As a workaround, I implement two methods at #SmaCCParser
It seems to be enough. If you are interested, I can make a pull request with that. I would like any what you think about these changes.