Feature suggestion: writing a grammar rule in terms of tokens that have different definitions depending on the scanner state…
%states default insideBraces insideParens;
insideBraces <any> : [^{}]+ ;
insideBraces <leftDelimiter> : \{ ;
insideBraces <rightDelimiter> : \} ;
insideParens <any> : [^()]+ ;
insideParens <leftDelimiter> : \( ;
insideParens <rightDelimiter> : \) ;
# this rule would only be used when the scanner is in one of the two states above
: <any> 'content' {{}}
| <leftDelimiter> 'content'
DelimitedContent 'content' *
<rightDelimiter> 'content' {{}}
After discussion with @ToshRaka I got a working parser by duplicating the rule into ParenthesizedContent and BracedContent, and the <any> tokens into <notBraces> and <notParens>.
Feature suggestion: writing a grammar rule in terms of tokens that have different definitions depending on the scanner state…