Closed p-mcgowan closed 4 years ago
if eslint insists that process.exit is bad, then the error could either be traced and re-thrown, or just left uncaught.
I could see it being the case if the source was imported and used programatically, but the cli should catch it's own errors, and exit - AFAIK i don't see a use for importing the cli into another node script
additionally, bundleSwaggerParse
catches it's own error and does not propagate it - resulting in logging the error and the process continuing on:
// bundlerSwaggerParse.js:47 bundler json stringify bundled
// bundlerSwaggerParse.js:48 bundler log error
stack: 'ResolverError: Error opening file "something.yml" \n' +
"ENOENT: blah blah stacktrace",
source: 'something.yml',
path: [],
toJSON: [Function: toJSON],
ioErrorCode: 'ENOENT',
name: 'ResolverError',
toString: [Function: toString]
// cli.js:59 error was caught, logged, not re-thrown, so the cli continues on and tries to colourize and report success
Trace: TypeError: Cannot read property 'green' of undefined
at swagger/node_modules/boats/src/cli.js:59:104
at swagger/node_modules/boats/src/cli.js:62:11
npm run build:json && npm run build:yaml
will always run build:yaml, because the json process never exits with code > 0so if you have a script that runs
npm run build:json && cp output to other place
, this will erroneously copy the file every timein cli.js: