j-delaney / planner-helper

Easily fetch Rate My Professor, CAPEs, and grade distributions in UCSD's WebReg
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YQLGradeDist #34

Closed cameronellis closed 7 years ago

cameronellis commented 7 years ago

This commit contains code that scrapes grade distribution data from the cape website. Compared to the other source for grade distribution data which is currently outdated.

Development Notes:

j-delaney commented 7 years ago

Awesome! I'm gonna be looking over this the next few days and making comments. Thanks for doing this :)

cameronellis commented 7 years ago

By the way, is there a way for you to run the application? Wouldn't think you have credentials to log in to tritonlink now that you've graduated

cameronellis commented 7 years ago

Okay, made the changes to the commit in accordance with your comments

And you're welcome! This tool appears to getting a lot of good use by students at UCSD. Would be a shame for it to no longer be maintained!

cameronellis commented 7 years ago

Okay, updated it. It didn't take too long to tweak, thankfully.

Can't say I like it as much visually because of how nested it is. As for the consistency part. I was planning on refactoring the other two files as well. And even putting in a function in another .js class to cut out the repeated code


j-delaney commented 7 years ago

Refactoring sounds great! Because the extension is taking on a lot more complexity I think it's definitely appropriate to have a refactor

cameronellis commented 7 years ago

I don't think it's taken on a lot more complexity myself. What's next is definitely making sure the right names go into the query to get the data back.

How best should we do that? store the information in a long if, else if, else blocks? Use something like MySQL? Store the professor data in a server somewhere?