j-fbriere / squawker

An open-source privacy oriented Twitter/X client
MIT License
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Feature to use a regular Twitter/X account #185

Open j-fbriere opened 5 months ago

j-fbriere commented 5 months ago

Describe the problem

It looks like Twitter/X is not allowing the creation of temporary guest accounts anymore. Is this new policy permanent? Who knows! Will there be another solution to be able to access Twitter/X in a privacy oriented manner? Good question!

Describe the solution

By implementing the possibility to log with a regular account, it makes Squawker usable for the future. There are ways to create regular accounts with no phone number and a temporary email address that is not linked to the user. Without being completely anonymous, it might be a good enough compromise for the people who still want to use Squawker.

And who knows maybe in the future someone will find a solution to access Twitter/X without a regular account. For now it gives time for Squawker to continue to be functional.

Please comment or vote to let me know if you are interested in such a feature.

adsarwal commented 5 months ago


fenglingback commented 5 months ago

Hey bro, that is so cool! I'm looking forward to it.

Maythesaucebewithyou commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the ongoing hardwork on the app, it must be a bit of a nightmare trying to keep up with the whims of Elon Musk!

I'd definitely be interested in such a feature if it would enable Squawker to continue to be used.

"There are ways to create regular accounts with no phone number and a temporary email address". Excuse my lack of Twitter / technical knowledge, I have no idea how to create an account without a phone number (I use an email alias service so that shouldn't be an issue). If anyone has a moment to explain how, I would be grateful.

zer0fl0w commented 5 months ago

as much as i want twitter to go die already and we can all finally switch to mastodon, which will never happen ofc (a man can dream) i support your idea of keeping squawker alive with the change of making it usable with regular accounts. so thanks for your contineous support and development. squawker really was a blessing and hopefully still will be in the future.

in the nitter issue-thread you probably saw already are scripts to get oauth from regular accounts.

Quackdoc commented 5 months ago

I for sure would like this. My main issue with twitter has always been it being super slow personally

mosswizards commented 5 months ago

Having to create a throwaway account would be a totally fine compromise, I think. This has been the best way to keep track of folks & industries without using Twitter in the traditional way. Jumping through a simple hoop is okay in my books.

Bazzz66 commented 5 months ago

This would be great, just not having to use the standard x app with all the pollution in my feed

Felting commented 5 months ago

This would be amazing, there are a lack of 3rd party twitter clients now.

naughtypine commented 5 months ago

A million times yes!

Forced back to the X app for the first time in years and every 5th post is an ad. How do people live like this?! It's unusable.

Merci d'avance!

fjelsten commented 5 months ago

I would really like this a well since all links go via twitters tracked services (that I've blocked which mean I can click none).

j-fbriere commented 5 months ago

The version v3.7.0 allows you to use a throwaway regular Twitter/X account.

To add the information of an existing regular Twitter/X account, go to Settings / Account, tap on the plus icon. Only the username and password are mandatory. When saved an authentication token is created. It is automatically renewed every 30 days. There can be many existing regular Twitter/X accounts (since each account is as rated limited as guest accounts were). To delete a regular Twitter/X account information (and its authenticated token), swipe to the left and tap on delete. The project's wiki describe how to create a (regular) Twitter/X account.

fjelsten commented 5 months ago

The version v3.7.0 allows you to use a throwaway regular Twitter/X account.

Anxiously awaiting when it will be on creativaxion :-)

j-fbriere commented 5 months ago

@fjelsten It's done.

zer0fl0w commented 5 months ago

thank you so much. it works! what a boss you are.

fjelsten commented 5 months ago

@fjelsten It's done.

Works nicely. Excellent work. Thank you very much.

Are there any refresh and issues or limits when you use a real account? Do I need to create several to bypass limitations.

mayhair commented 5 months ago

Can't log in with my account, it sent me an email telling me I need to answer some security questions.

Obviously, I can't complete them within Squawker. (Also, the Squawker message I got wasn't quite user-friendly, I believe it's just the raw JSON or whatever language.)

Maybe this won't happen if I just create a brand new account, I don't know.

j-fbriere commented 5 months ago

@mayhair Could you check if version v3.7.2 fixes this issue?

Maythesaucebewithyou commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the latest versions and the wiki etc, appreciated (and apologies, in a previous reply I was under the mistaken impression you neeeded a phone number to create an account. If it's not bad enough you've got to contend with Twitter, you've also got to deal with the likes of ignorant me!).

0xc1c4da commented 5 months ago

On 3.7.2+300013693, I added a few regular accounts and using them exclusively (no guest accs), the application appears to behaving well, but I notice going back to the accounts screen I see the following text repeated for each account in list:

Oops! Something went wrong :) Something broke in Squawker. Error of type _TypeError

j-fbriere commented 5 months ago

@0xc1c4da Can you provide a screenshot please?

mayhair commented 5 months ago

@mayhair Could you check if version v3.7.2 fixes this issue?

Seems alright now, thanks.

0xc1c4da commented 5 months ago

@0xc1c4da Can you provide a screenshot please?

j-fbriere commented 5 months ago

@0xc1c4da Did you do an import data?

0xc1c4da commented 5 months ago

@0xc1c4da Did you do an import data?

Possibly, I can't recall exactly how I got the app into this state - I experienced #194 while on 3.7.2 , reading on that thread about doing a clean install - I turned off net, exported data (no accounts added), wiped app data and reimported the export, experienced same frozen state, disabled net, navigated to accounts page, re-enabled net and added accounts and squawker has been functional since, just when i navigate to this page I get the aforementioned error