j-fu / VoronoiFVM.jl

Solution of nonlinear multiphysics partial differential equation systems using the Voronoi finite volume method
MIT License
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Replace VoronoiFVM.plot by ExtendableGrids.plot ? #5

Closed fafroo closed 2 years ago

fafroo commented 4 years ago


Should this be replaced with


according to v0.8?

Unfortunately Example120_ThreeRegions1D.main(;n=30,Plotter=Plots,plot_grid=false, verbose=false,unknown_storage=:sparse) returns MethodError: no method matching plot(::Module, ::ExtendableGrids.ExtendableGrid{Float64,Int32}; p=Plot{Plots.GRbackend() n=0})

for both VoronoiFVM.plot() and ExtendableGrids.plot() .