j-sm-n / black_thursday

Black Thursday is a system that is able to load, parse, search, and execute business intelligence queries against the data from a typical e-commerece business in Ruby.
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Business Intelligence - Find out whether or not a given invoice is paid in full #64

Open jesse-spevack opened 7 years ago

jesse-spevack commented 7 years ago

Our marketing team is asking for better data about of our customer base to launch a new project and have the following requirements:

Find out whether or not a given invoice is paid in full:

invoice.transactions.map(&:result) #=> ["failed", "success"]

invoice.is_paid_in_full? #=> true

invoice.transactions.map(&:result) #=> ["failed", "failed"]

invoice.is_paid_in_full? #=> false

Note: Returns true if at least one of the associated transactions' result is "success".


jesse-spevack commented 7 years ago

I think this is already done.