j0ta29 / esphome

ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
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[Bug] Strange behavior when using text sensor at Friday/Saturday/Sunday #13

Open Skarabaen opened 1 month ago

Skarabaen commented 1 month ago

Hello @J0ta29, thank you for your work at optolink. It works fine, but I think I have found a bug or something else.

I`m using esphome on a nodemcu V2 with a 20CB heater unit.

substitutions: device_name: viessmann device_description: "Viessmann Optolink"

esphome: name: '${device_name}' friendly_name: vitoconnect platform: ESP8266 board: nodemcuv2


Enable logging

logger: hardware_uart: UART0 baud_rate: 0 level: WARN

Enable Home Assistant API

api: encryption: key: ""

ota: password: ""

wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password use_address:

Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails

ap: ssid: "Viessmann Fallback" password: ""


optolink: protocol: P300

text: #############################

  • platform: optolink name: "HeizPlanMo" address: 0x2000 bytes: 56 type: DAY_SCHEDULE day_of_week: MONDAY icon: mdi:shower update_interval: 172s
  • platform: optolink name: "HeizPlanDi" address: 0x2008 bytes: 56 type: DAY_SCHEDULE day_of_week: Tuesday icon: mdi:shower update_interval: 175s
  • platform: optolink name: "HeizPlanMi" address: 0x2010 bytes: 56 type: DAY_SCHEDULE day_of_week: Wednesday icon: mdi:shower update_interval: 178s
  • platform: optolink name: "HeizPlanDo" address: 0x2018 bytes: 56 type: DAY_SCHEDULE day_of_week: Thursday icon: mdi:shower update_interval: 161s
  • platform: optolink name: "HeizPlanFr" address: 0x2020 bytes: 56 type: DAY_SCHEDULE day_of_week: Friday icon: mdi:shower update_interval: 165s
  • platform: optolink name: "HeizPlanSa" address: 0x2028 bytes: 56 type: DAY_SCHEDULE day_of_week: Saturday icon: mdi:shower update_interval: 170s
  • platform: optolink name: "HeizPlanSo" address: 0x2030 bytes: 56 type: DAY_SCHEDULE day_of_week: Sunday icon: mdi:shower update_interval: 175s

I´m getting always the error code

[W][optolink.datapoint_component:137]: 3. read request for ZirkuPlanFr rejected due to outstanding running request - increase update_interval!

with the sensors for Friday/Saturday/Sunday and also for Warmwater time and Warmwater circulation time. Only these 3 days.

I tried a lot. I only use one friday sensor, changed the update_interval from 60s to 500s, always the same error message and the value "unknown" at home assistant.

I can fix this issue if I set

  • platform: optolink name: "HeizPlanFr" address: 0x2020 bytes: 56 type: DAY_SCHEDULE day_of_week: Monday icon: mdi:shower update_interval: 165s

So set the day_of_week variable to Monday will fix this issue and I can see the right values. I don`t know which impact this has.

If you need more information or debugging, let me know.

j0ta29 commented 1 month ago

The address values are the same for all days of week (0x2000). The address offset for is calculated within the component.