We are developing an application, and when we use this library we get INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT. This behavior is happening only on Gingerbread. In logcat we get this erorr:
LinearAlloc exceeded capacity (5242880), last=4108
After we've done some research on this mater we found that has something to do with how complex the application is using abstractizations (abstract classes and interfaces).
We are developing an application, and when we use this library we get INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT. This behavior is happening only on Gingerbread. In logcat we get this erorr: LinearAlloc exceeded capacity (5242880), last=4108 After we've done some research on this mater we found that has something to do with how complex the application is using abstractizations (abstract classes and interfaces). https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=22586