j2rong / FakeLocation

Xposed module to mock locations per app.
Apache License 2.0
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Location jumping back to real location #19

Closed Salatkopfwerfer closed 7 years ago

Salatkopfwerfer commented 7 years ago

Hey there, is there a way to set the max speed moving with the dpad? At the moment the options are locked.

By the way, i recognized the location sometimes changes to my real location for about a second when using floating view, then it changes back to the fake location. Is there a workarround for this issue?

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue with or without dpad. Always trying to go to my real location than return back to fake one, constantly, that's annoying when playing and get me banned sometimes cause of that.

Salatkopfwerfer commented 7 years ago

So it's not just me. I tried to disable GPS, but then it's Messing gps

Salatkopfwerfer commented 7 years ago

Whoops, wrong Button. So, again. Disabling GPS doesn't work. I have Set GPS mode to "only GPS", still getting this issue. I'm using galaxy Note 3 / Android 4.4.2

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

No, you're not alone. That's very annoying. Sometimes it's doing this every 5 seconds...

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

GPS only on my side too didn't solved the issue.

Salatkopfwerfer commented 7 years ago

I've got another Problem, maybe you can confirm that too. Sometimes the Google App which has to be used for GPS mocking crashes. This happens randomly when using pad

Salatkopfwerfer commented 7 years ago

Sorry for closing / opening. Just flashed my device, i have to get used to it again

j2rong commented 7 years ago

I think that jumping back to the real location may be caused by the app calling FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(), this function's mocking settings is working if you set to the app itself not com.google.android.gms

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

What do you mean?!

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to fix it? Sorry if I misunderstand you.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

j2rong: Is there a way to solve the issue falling back to real location?

Thanks man.

j2rong commented 7 years ago

working on a temporary workaround, but what's really causing this is still being investigated.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Sweet, thanks. Let us know when it's done bro!

j2rong commented 7 years ago

I think it's fixed, feel free to reopen if there is any problem.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

There is no upgrade?

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

0.8.404.813 only version available in Xposed Installer.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Latest version available*

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Sorry! It's there now! Thanks man!

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Jumping back again... Issue not solve on LG G4 LG-H812.


roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Hope you can find the issue...

j2rong commented 7 years ago

try turning off gps and what's your settings?

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

GPS only in Location settings. Mock Mock Location installed + your FakeLocation app. That's it.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

If GPS turned off, Pokemon Go give me error "GPS signal not found" and I'm unable to play.

Thanks man.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Oh, and, Mock location not on in developer's option since I am using Mock Mock Location, it doesn't allow me to tick option on.

j2rong commented 7 years ago

Try clear your settings in "com.google.android.gms" and set it in Pokemon (also connect with it) If it still doesn't work, turn on log switch in Settings and post it please. (XposedInstaller - Log)

PS: The module doesn't need mock location permission

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Where do I clear that? What't that application?

Ok, gonna deactivate Mock Mock Location.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

I mean I know how to clear cache/settings, but what is the application name of "com.google.android.gms" ?

j2rong commented 7 years ago

Which package do you set to mock Poke's location?

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

The one that contains Google Services.

j2rong commented 7 years ago

@roylaprattep Set and connect to Poke's package instead

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

I FakeLocation on the Pokemon Go app? If so, the app give me the error "Failed to detect location".

"Allow mock location" enabled in Developer's options.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

No more FakeLocation on "Google services" too.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Well... Faking location on Pokemon Go instead, doesn't work. I guess I will have to live with the problem...

j2rong commented 7 years ago

Can you provide some logs? Turn on in FakeLocation's Settings, and run the game, the logs can be found in XposedInstaller

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Did you received my log file via email? I sent it.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Well, keep me in touch buddy!

j2rong commented 7 years ago

@roylaprattep email not received, you can post it here

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago


roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Maybe you will have to rename it to "error.log", this was it's default name, github gave me error, isn't supporting extension ".log".

j2rong commented 7 years ago

@roylaprattep It looks like you are mocking com.google.android.gms and com.nianticlabs.pokemongo at the same time?

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

No, Pokemon Go isn't mocking, I only tried this one time to test if it can solve the problem.

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Found any solution?

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Hellooo? Is there anyone...? Still have no solution? Just tell us if you can't find s solution...

j2rong commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, Can't find anything in the log, but I'm working on several problems may related to this in future releases, you may try it then

roylaprattep commented 7 years ago

Rooted devices can't play anymore and RootCloak have no effect... Can you do something about it?

j2rong commented 7 years ago

@roylaprattep You can search 'Magisk'