j3-fortran / fortran_proposals

Proposals for the Fortran Standard Committee
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Adding a proposal to allow complex pointers to real arrays and vice-versa #325

Closed PierUgit closed 3 days ago

PierUgit commented 6 months ago

Following the discussion in #323

certik commented 6 months ago

I think this is a good proposal now. You can ask at the Fortran Discourse to get more feedback.

everythingfunctional commented 6 months ago

IMO, the additional intrinsics and/or new syntax are superfluous. The storage sequence is already sufficiently defined (or is nearly trivial to add clarification in case it's not) that all that's needed is to say that a complex pointer may be associated with a real target of the same kind and vice-versa. All the other existing constraints and semantics should take care of everything else, barring the edge case of ensuring that the size of the real target must be even.

PierUgit commented 6 months ago

IMO, the additional intrinsics and/or new syntax are superfluous.

Maybe. I wanted such association to be explicit, in order to avoid possible mistakes, but it can also make sense to stick to the usual syntax.

PierUgit commented 6 months ago

Actually, for full consistency, I also think that associating a real actual argument to a complex dummy argument, and vice-versa, should be allowed, with the same rules and restrictions as for the pointer association.

EDIT: I am actually wondering if the proposal should be rewritten in a more general way, allowing association between real and complex, be it through pointers or arguments (or equivalence, or common blocks, but I don't think it's worth elaboring more on these obsolescent features). Also, since there would not be any new syntax for the argument case, for consistency no new syntax should be created for the pointer case.

ivan-pi commented 6 months ago

Perhaps it's worth referencing the section 6.2.5, paragraph 17, page 39, from the draft C23 standard N3096 (https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3096.pdf),

Each complex type has the same representation and alignment requirements as an array type containing exactly two elements of the corresponding real type; the first element is equal to the real part, and the second element to the imaginary part, of the complex number

This would imply that for the C-interoperable Fortran types complex(c_double) (or complex(c_double_complex)) and real(c_double), these two share the same representation and alignment requirements, meaning that pointer/storage association is possible.

PierUgit commented 6 months ago

@ivan-pi I actually think that this would be implied to make the association work as expected.

everythingfunctional commented 6 months ago

I also think that associating a real actual argument to a complex dummy argument, and vice-versa, should be allowed, with the same rules and restrictions as for the pointer association.

Actually, you don't want to be able to do this, except perhaps for assumed size or explicit shape (which imply the actual must be contiguous), or explicitly contiguous. I.e. what happens in the following case?

r = [1., 2., 3., 4.]
call sub(r(1:3:2))
print *, r
subroutine sub(c)
  complex, intent(inout) :: c(:)
  print *, c(1)%im, c(1)%re
  c(1)%im = 42.
end subroutine

or even crazier

r = [1., 2., 3., 4.]
call sub(r([4,1]))
print *, r
subroutine sub(c)
  complex, intent(inout) :: c(:)
  print *, c(1)%im, c(1)%re
  c(1)%im = 42.
end subroutine

IMO, better not to get into all the complexities to define argument association, as you can still do it (albeit with more lines) with the pointer association.

PierUgit commented 6 months ago

@everythingfunctional It doesn't look so bad to me.

In your first example the compiler would detect a real non-contiguous actual argument vs a complex dummy argument, and it would apply the contiguity rule in this case: either it reports a compilation error, or it generates copy-in/copy-out. It's actually not very different from c => r(1:3:2) (not allowed because the RHS is non contiguous)

And the same for the second example (actually this one wouldn't be valid even with a real dummy argument, as an array-indexed actual argument can not be passed to an intent(out) dummy argument IIRC.

PierUgit commented 5 months ago

I meant that the compiler can check the contiguity (as well as other requirement) equally well for the argument association than for the pointer association.

PierUgit commented 5 months ago

I have update the proposal with the optional extension to argument association.

PierUgit commented 4 months ago

On the Fortran Discourse @everythingfunctional has raised a backward compatibility issue if argument association was allowed between real and complex types, so I think it's better to remove that part from the proposal and focus only on the pointer association.

aradi commented 4 months ago

It would be probably worth to consider to remove also the direct pointer association r => c and leave only the one achieved via the call of an intrinsic subroutine. This way, the changes to the standard would be very well localized. The "type breaking" would only occur at one place.

It would be probably also worth to make the subroutine name more generic (e.g. call associate_storage(r, c, [shape], [stat])), so that in the future it can also work for other type combinations, if they make sense (e.g. array of bytes/characters associated with integers, etc.) And I'd suggest to add a stat optional argument, which can report back, if the storage association was not successful (e.g. types are not compatible, size of the target is incommensurable with the pointer type, etc.)

PierUgit commented 2 months ago

What's next with this proposal? What should I/we do now?

certik commented 2 months ago

@PierUgit now you should attend a J3 meeting (at least remotely) and advocate for it. If you can't do that, find a committee member who can do that for you.

everythingfunctional commented 2 months ago

It will go a long way if you commit to helping do the work on this all the way through the process. I.e.

  1. Use cases (which you've got a decent start on here)
  2. Requirements
  3. Specification
  4. Syntax
  5. Edits to the standard

I'm willing to upload papers and facilitate discussion in plenary on someone's behalf if you can't join the committee or attend the meetings, but I'm not going to advocate other members spend time on features I'm not passionate about. And I don't really have time to work on more than I am right now.

PierUgit commented 2 months ago

@everythingfunctional Thank for the proposal. I've also sent a message on the J3 ML in case someone would want to push it. Let's see.

certik commented 2 months ago

My suggestion as the first step would be to get the committee to agree that this is in scope and should move forward, i.e. that you get support for this in the appropriate subgroup at least. For that 1. is helpful. @PierUgit once you secure the preliminary approval, then it's time to do 2. - 5. And as @everythingfunctional said, it would help if you could agree that you will do it, if the committee gives a "preapproval".

everythingfunctional commented 2 months ago

@certik , yes. We are currently at the phase of deciding what goes on the F202Y worklist. WG5 votes on the final list at the meeting in June. @PierUgit , you should view this paper as simply "I think the committee should work on this, and here's some initial ideas". It is basically pre step 1. But a tacit agreement that you will help with that work can make a difference in whether the committee will accept it.

PierUgit commented 2 months ago

With some help I can definitely try.

everythingfunctional commented 3 weeks ago

@PierUgit , did you still want me to submit this paper for the meeting in two weeks?

PierUgit commented 3 weeks ago

@everythingfunctional Definitely, if you agree...

everythingfunctional commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, I will submit it and let you know about follow-up if any is needed.

everythingfunctional commented 3 weeks ago

It's submitted: https://j3-fortran.org/doc/year/24/24-129.txt

PierUgit commented 3 weeks ago

Great, thanks!

everythingfunctional commented 5 days ago

@PierUgit , you'll be happy to learn that J3 did find this idea interesting enough to pursue for F202Y, and WG5 is highly likely to put it on the work list this morning.

PierUgit commented 4 days ago

That's good, and thanks for the help! BTW, now that the draft has been officially submitted to the meeting, the branch could be merged (I have updated the document by using the uploaded version).

certik commented 3 days ago

@PierUgit thanks for the proposal. I merged it, as requested. You can open a new PR for a subsequent paper(s).

@everythingfunctional thanks for representing the paper at the committee. This is a great example how the committee can involve the very large community out there to help. It works.