j3-fortran / fortran_proposals

Proposals for the Fortran Standard Committee
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Reference counted pointer #334

Open certik opened 1 month ago

certik commented 1 month ago

Fortran has a non-owning pointer and an owning allocatable. In some cases also having a reference counted pointer (like std::shared_ptr in C++, or like the classes work in Python) would be helpful.

This has been requested a few times, last time for example in this thread: https://fortran-lang.discourse.group/t/ownership-for-fortran-pointers/8084.

FortranFan commented 1 month ago

It will be interesting to study the response(s) from J3/WG5 on this, especially from /DATA subgroup if at all this advances to their attention.

My hunch is this will die on the vine.

@certik, please refer back to your own post (link) at the Discourse site you cite in the original post here re: the cost of adding new features of the language.

If features are first seen as a cost, how do you think this can ever be introduced? The use case for such a feature is somewhat better convenience for the programmer and - perhaps - reduced vulnerability primarily when a derived type ( a class in OO parlance) with type-bound procedures (that is a detailed OO-approach) is employed for data management. This is all good in my own personal opinion but most readers and also those who have votes on standard committee(s) have been opponents to features with such use cases, again your own point often about "costs" and bloated language, etc. help boost the opposition,

So what exactly changes here?

PierUgit commented 1 month ago

This has been requested a few times, last time for example in this thread: https://fortran-lang.discourse.group/t/ownership-for-fortran-pointers/8084.

Beyond the need expressed in this thread, such pointers would help for a safer programming by avoiding memory leaks.

klausler commented 1 month ago

What would count as a "reference" that would change an object's reference count? Dummy argument association? Construct association? Pointer assignment? Or only new take/drop operations?

klausler commented 1 month ago

Reference counting makes more sense with allocatables than pointers, actually. A new CALL SHARE_ALLOC(from, to [, stat, errmsg]) would address this use case nicely, along with a minor extension to deallocation semantics.

PierUgit commented 1 month ago

Reference counting makes more sense with allocatables than pointers, actually. A new CALL SHARE_ALLOC(from, to [, stat, errmsg]) would address this use case nicely, along with a minor extension to deallocation semantics.

I'm not sure it is as flexible as desired (unless from can be anything, and not only an allocatable object). In addition, allocatable objects would then be potentially aliased, hurting the compiler optimizations in existing codes.

klausler commented 1 month ago

The shareable allocatables would have to bear a new distinguishing attribute (SHAREABLE or whatever).

certik commented 1 month ago

Thanks @klausler for the feedback. Yes, I think this can be done relatively nicely. We would need to prototype in a compiler to iron out the details.

@FortranFan yes, every feature should be weighted against the costs. That is best done after implementing in a compiler and testing the feature. I don't know if it is worth doing or not, but I like that we can use this proposals repository to freely discuss any feature and see how it would fit into the language and if there is enough interest in it. And just reference the issue in future discussions.

PierUgit commented 1 month ago

I was rather thinking about something inspired by shared_ptr, but a bit different:

EDIT: not a good idea overall, as it would allow too many cases that would just look "safe" but wouldn't be safe at all...

klausler commented 1 month ago

I'd need to see a prototype for that.

jalvesz commented 1 month ago

Reference counting makes more sense with allocatables than pointers, actually. A new CALL SHARE_ALLOC(from, to [, stat, errmsg]) would address this use case nicely, along with a minor extension to deallocation semantics.

@klausler would such approach facilitate managing C interoperability of a Fortran DT (containing allocatables instead of pointers) with C/Python structs?

I ask because a consequence of the design mentioned in the thread on Discourse was that binding the pointer arrays for interoperability became transparent with c_loc on a pointer component. Which enables also the C binded ptrs not only to expose the data but also enable modification of the array values from C/Python if needed.