j3-fortran / fortran_proposals

Proposals for the Fortran Standard Committee
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(re)allocation on defined assigment #339

Open PierUgit opened 3 weeks ago

PierUgit commented 3 weeks ago

F2003 has introduced (re)allocation on assignment, but as mentioned on the Fortran Discourse it will work only on intrinsic assignment, not on defined assignment (overloaded assignment of a derived type).

type sometype
   procedure :: assign
   generic :: assignment(=) => assign
end type

elemental subroutine assign(this,that)
class(type(sometype)), intent(out) :: this
type(type(sometype)), intent(in) :: that
end subroutine


type(sometype) :: x
type(sometype), allocatable :: y

y = x   ! illegal, as "=" is a defined assignment

For, the standard says "The interpretation of a defined assignment is provided by the subroutine that defines it", and in the example above the procedure assign is called with an unallocated actual argument for a non allocatable and non optional dummy argument, which is illegal.

To me, it looks like a serious caveat... One could accept the limitation, but the compiler has no way to catch the problem, and the problem appears at runtime only (at best with a crash, at worst with a silent undefined behavior).

Is there any way to fix the problem in the standard? Is there a technical reason why the (re)allocation on assignment has not been extended to the defined assignment in the first place?

klausler commented 3 weeks ago

Extending the (re)allocation behavior of intrinsic assignment to also apply to defined assignment would be unambiguous and safe from invaliding existing code (which I insist that we should still care about) in the case of a defined assignment generic that comprised only ELEMENTAL subroutines, as an elemental procedure may not have an ALLOCATABLE dummy argument, and the application of the specific elemental subroutine to an assignment with a deallocated allocatable LHS or allocatable LHS with distinct shape is an error case.

For defined assignment generics comprising non-ELEMENTAL subroutines, it would be nice to have a means for including specific procedures that differed only in having the ALLOCATABLE attribute on the LHS dummy argument. This is not conforming today(*) in the general case, but for ASSIGNMENT(=) generics it could be carved out as a conforming exception, again without invalidating existing code.

(*) It is not conforming to define a single defined assignment generic comprising two subroutines whose characteristics differ only in the presence of the ALLOCATABLE attribute on a dummy argument. But it's unclear whether it is conforming to create such a (non-type-bound) generic via combination of USE associations, so long as each actual call can be unambiguously resolved to a specific procedure.

PierUgit commented 3 weeks ago

It should actually work without breaking anything for any type bound defined assignment, as the passed object cannot be allocatable. It also has to be a scalar, regardless the procedure is elemental or not.

A defined assignment in a generic interface may have the allocatable attribute on the first argument (which may be an array if the procedure is not elemental), in which case it's the responsability of the writer of the procedure to take care of the allocation status.

The only ambiguous configuration is a defined assignment in a generic interface, with a procedure that is not elemental, and with the first argument which is an array.

PierUgit commented 3 weeks ago

It looks quite difficult to make the (re)allocation on assignment work with any kind of defined assignment, but at least for a given derived type, the developer should be able to provide a safe defined assignment in place of the intrinsic assignment for this type.

PierUgit commented 3 weeks ago

The code snippet below illustrates 5 cases of defined assignments where the left hand size is an allocatable object.

It seems that most of time the compilers could easily determine the shape of the LHS from the interface of the procedure that is used. The only impossible cases is when the procedure is not elemental and the dummy argument for the LHS is an assumed size/shape array.

module aoda_m
implicit none

   type ta
      integer :: i = 0
      procedure :: ta_assign1, ta_assign2, ta_assign3
      generic :: assignment(=) => ta_assign1, ta_assign2, ta_assign3
   end type

   type tb
      integer :: i = 0
   end type

   interface assignment(=)
      module procedure :: tb_assign4, tb_assign5
   end interface

   interface possibly_realloc
      module procedure :: possibly_realloc_a0, possibly_realloc_a1, possibly_realloc_b1
   end interface


   elemental subroutine ta_assign1(this,that)
      class(ta), intent(inout) :: this
      type(ta), intent(in) :: that
      this%i = that%i
   end subroutine

   elemental subroutine ta_assign2(this,that)
      class(ta), intent(inout) :: this
      integer, intent(in) :: that
      this%i = that
   end subroutine

   subroutine ta_assign3(this,that)
      class(ta), intent(inout) :: this
      type(ta), intent(in) :: that(:)
      this%i = sum(that(:)%i)
   end subroutine

   subroutine tb_assign4(this,that)
      type(tb), intent(inout) :: this(:)
      integer, intent(in) :: that
      this(1:that)%i = that
   end subroutine

   subroutine tb_assign5(this,that)
      type(tb), allocatable, intent(inout) :: this(:)
      type(tb), intent(in) :: that(:)
      call possibly_realloc(this,size(that))
      this(:)%i = that(:)%i
   end subroutine

   subroutine possibly_realloc_a0(x)
      type(ta), intent(inout), allocatable :: x
      if (.not.allocated(x)) allocate(x)
   end subroutine

   subroutine possibly_realloc_a1(x,s)
      type(ta), intent(inout), allocatable :: x(:)
      integer, intent(in) :: s
      if (allocated(x)) then
         if (size(x) /= s) deallocate(x)
      end if
      if (.not.allocated(x)) allocate(x(s))
   end subroutine

   subroutine possibly_realloc_b1(x,s)
      type(tb), intent(inout), allocatable :: x(:)
      integer, intent(in) :: s
      if (allocated(x)) then
         if (size(x) /= s) deallocate(x)
      end if
      if (.not.allocated(x)) allocate(x(s))
   end subroutine

end module aoda_m

program aoda
use aoda_m

! type bound ta_assign1() is used; it is elemental and overloads the intrinsic assignment,
! so (re)allocation on assignment could work, based on the shape of the RHS
   type(ta), allocatable :: lhs(:)
   type(ta) :: rhs(5) = ta(5)
   call possibly_realloc( lhs, size(rhs) )
   lhs = rhs(:)
   print*, lhs%i

! type bound ta_assign2() is used; it is elemental,
! so (re)allocation on assignment could work, based on the shape of the RHS
   type(ta), allocatable :: lhs(:)
   integer :: rhs(3) = [1, 2, 3]
   call possibly_realloc( lhs, size(rhs) )
   lhs = rhs(:)
   print*, lhs%i

! type bound ta_assign3() is used; it is not elemental but the output is always a scalar,
! so (re)allocation on assignment could work, based on the ta_assign3() interface
   type(ta), allocatable :: lhs
   type(ta) :: rhs(3) = [ta(1), ta(2), ta(3)]
   call possibly_realloc( lhs )           
   lhs = rhs(:)                ! gfortran <= 14 is bugging on this one 
   ! call lhs%ta_assign3(rhs)    ! instead
   print*, lhs%i

! module procedure tb_assign4() is used; the output is an array
! so (re)allocation on assignment could not work 
! (well, actually it could, by examining the interface of tb_assign4() in the case
!  where the first dummy argument has an explicit shape)
   type(tb), allocatable :: lhs(:)
   integer :: rhs = 3
   call possibly_realloc(lhs,rhs)
   lhs = 3
   print*, lhs%i

! module procedure tb_assign5() is used; the output is an ALLOCATABLE array
! so the procedure takes care of the (re)allocation of the output as needed
   type(tb), allocatable :: lhs(:)
   type(tb) :: rhs(2) = [tb(2), tb(2)]
   lhs = rhs(:)
   print*, lhs%i

PierUgit commented 2 weeks ago

For defined assignment generics comprising non-ELEMENTAL subroutines, it would be nice to have a means for including specific procedures that differed only in having the ALLOCATABLE attribute on the LHS dummy argument. This is not conforming today(*) in the general case, but for ASSIGNMENT(=) generics it could be carved out as a conforming exception, again without invalidating existing code.

This would actually be desirable, and not only for assignment(=). Is there a reason why you would restrict it to this case?