j3k0 / cordova-non-renewing-subscription

Simple API for Non-Renewing Subscriptions based on Fovea's Cordova Purchase Plugin
MIT License
19 stars 6 forks source link

[IOS] restore failed #25

Open Macfa opened 3 years ago

Macfa commented 3 years ago

Hi, Im trying to restore purchase history

i got some warning when try like this well, I wrote logs and check but, I can't understood

how to fix ?


      .approved(p => p.verify())
      .verified(p => p.finish());

here's logs

2021-01-20 22:23:07.828335+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (approved)
2021-01-20 22:23:07.829270+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (approved)
2021-01-20 22:23:07.936346+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test.1test (valid)
2021-01-20 22:23:08.836116+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (approved)
2021-01-20 22:23:08.836116+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (approved)
2021-01-20 22:23:08.836116+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (approved)
2021-01-20 22:23:08.836116+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (approved)
2021-01-20 22:23:08.836116+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (approved)
2021-01-20 22:23:13.249304+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (owned)
2021-01-20 22:23:13.249304+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (owned)
2021-01-20 22:23:13.249304+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (owned)
2021-01-20 22:23:13.249304+0900 test[1404:408731] [nonRenewing.js] Product updated: kr.test.test (owned)
2021-01-20 22:23:13.356707+0900 test[1404:408731] [store.js] WARNING: A callback in 'refresh-finished' failed with an exception.
2021-01-20 22:23:13.361259+0900 test[1404:408731] [store.js] WARNING:            cb is not a function. (In 'cb()', 'cb' is undefined)
2021-01-20 22:23:13.362856+0900 test[1404:408731] [store.js] WARNING:            http://localhost:8080/plugins/cordova-plugin-purchase/www/store-ios.js:2021:55
forEach@[native code]

here's store-ios.js

cordova.define("cordova-plugin-purchase.InAppPurchase", function(require, exports, module) {
var store = {};
store.verbosity = 2;
store.sandbox = false;


var ERROR_CODES_BASE = 6777000;

(function() {

function defer(thisArg, cb, delay) {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, delay || 1);
var delay = defer;

/// ## <a name="product"></a>*store.Product* object ##
/// Most events methods give you access to a `product` object.

store.Product = function(options) {

    if (!options)
        options = {};

    /// Products object have the following fields and methods.
    /// ### *store.Product* public attributes

    ///  - `product.id` - Identifier of the product on the store
    this.id = options.id || null;

    ///  - `product.alias` - Alias that can be used for more explicit [queries](#queries)
    this.alias = options.alias || options.id || null;

    ///  - `product.type` - Family of product, should be one of the defined [product types](#product-types).
    var type = this.type = options.type || null;
    if (type !== store.CONSUMABLE && type !== store.NON_CONSUMABLE && type !== store.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION && type !== store.FREE_SUBSCRIPTION && type !== store.NON_RENEWING_SUBSCRIPTION && type !== store.APPLICATION)
        throw new TypeError("Invalid product type");

    ///  - `product.group` - Name of the group your subscription product is a member of (default to `"default"`). If you don't set anything, all subscription will be members of the same group.
    var defaultGroup = this.type === store.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION ? "default" : "";
    this.group = options.group || defaultGroup;

    ///  - `product.state` - Current state the product is in (see [life-cycle](#life-cycle) below). Should be one of the defined [product states](#product-states)
    this.state = options.state || "";

    ///  - `product.title` - Localized name or short description
    this.title = options.title || options.localizedTitle || null;

    ///  - `product.description` - Localized longer description
    this.description = options.description || options.localizedDescription || null;

    ///  - `product.priceMicros` - Price in micro-units (divide by 1000000 to get numeric price)
    this.priceMicros = options.priceMicros || null;

    ///  - `product.price` - Localized price, with currency symbol
    this.price = options.price || null;

    ///  - `product.currency` - Currency code (optionaly)
    this.currency = options.currency || null;

    ///  - `product.countryCode` - Country code. Available only on iOS
    this.countryCode = options.countryCode || null;

    //  - `product.localizedTitle` - Localized name or short description ready for display
    // this.localizedTitle = options.localizedTitle || options.title || null;

    //  - `product.localizedDescription` - Localized longer description ready for display
    // this.localizedDescription = options.localizedDescription || options.description || null;

    //  - `product.localizedPrice` - Localized price (with currency) ready for display
    // this.localizedPrice = options.localizedPrice || null;

    ///  - `product.loaded` - Product has been loaded from server, however it can still be either `valid` or not
    this.loaded = options.loaded;

    ///  - `product.valid` - Product has been loaded and is a valid product
    ///    - when product definitions can't be loaded from the store, you should display instead a warning like: "You cannot make purchases at this stage. Try again in a moment. Make sure you didn't enable In-App-Purchases restrictions on your phone."
    this.valid  = options.valid;

    ///  - `product.canPurchase` - Product is in a state where it can be purchased
    this.canPurchase = options.canPurchase;

    ///  - `product.owned` - Product is owned
    this.owned = options.owned;

    ///  - `product.deferred` - Purchase has been initiated but is waiting for external action (for example, Ask to Buy on iOS)
    this.deferred = options.deferred;

    ///  - `product.introPrice` - Localized introductory price, with currency symbol
    this.introPrice = options.introPrice || null;

    ///  - `product.introPriceMicros` - Introductory price in micro-units (divide by 1000000 to get numeric price)
    this.introPriceMicros = options.introPriceMicros || null;

    ///  - `product.introPricePeriod` - Duration the introductory price is available (in period-unit)
    this.introPricePeriod = options.introPricePeriod || null;
    this.introPriceNumberOfPeriods = options.introPriceNumberOfPeriods || null; // legacy

    ///  - `product.introPricePeriodUnit` - Period for the introductory price ("Day", "Week", "Month" or "Year")
    this.introPricePeriodUnit = options.introPricePeriodUnit || null;
    this.introPriceSubscriptionPeriod = options.introPriceSubscriptionPeriod || null; // legacy

    ///  - `product.introPricePaymentMode` - Payment mode for the introductory price ("PayAsYouGo", "UpFront", or "FreeTrial")
    this.introPricePaymentMode = options.introPricePaymentMode || null;

    ///  - `product.ineligibleForIntroPrice` - True when a trial or introductory price has been applied to a subscription. Only available after [receipt validation](#validator). Available only on iOS
    this.ineligibleForIntroPrice = options.ineligibleForIntroPrice || null;

    this.discounts = [];

    ///  - `product.downloading` - Product is downloading non-consumable content
    this.downloading = options.downloading;

    ///  - `product.downloaded` - Non-consumable content has been successfully downloaded for this product
    this.downloaded = options.downloaded;

    ///  - `product.additionalData` - additional data possibly required for product purchase
    this.additionalData = options.additionalData || null;

    ///  - `product.transaction` - Latest transaction data for this product (see [transactions](#transactions)).
    this.transaction = null;

    ///  - `product.expiryDate` - Latest known expiry date for a subscription (a javascript Date)
    ///  - `product.lastRenewalDate` - Latest date a subscription was renewed (a javascript Date)
    ///  - `product.billingPeriod` - Duration of the billing period for a subscription, in the units specified by the `billingPeriodUnit` property. (_not available on iOS < 11.2_)
    ///  - `product.billingPeriodUnit` - Units of the billing period for a subscription. Possible values: Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year. (_not available on iOS < 11.2_)
    ///  - `product.trialPeriod` - Duration of the trial period for the subscription, in the units specified by the `trialPeriodUnit` property (windows only)
    ///  - `product.trialPeriodUnit` - Units of the trial period for a subscription (windows only)


store.Product.prototype.finish = function() {
    store.log.debug("product -> defer finishing " + this.id);
    defer(this, function() {
        store.log.debug("product -> finishing " + this.id);
        if (this.state !== store.FINISHED) {
            this.set('state', store.FINISHED);
            // The platform store should now handle the FINISHED event
            // and change the product status to VALID or OWNED.

/// #### <a name="verify"></a>`product.verify()` ##
/// Initiate purchase validation as defined by the [`store.validator`](#validator).
store.Product.prototype.verify = function() {
    var that = this;

    var nRetry = 0;

    // Callbacks set by the Promise
    var noop      = function() {};
    var doneCb    = noop;
    var successCb = noop;
    var expiredCb = noop;
    var errorCb   = noop;

    var tryValidation = function() {

        function getData(data, key) {
            if (!data)
                return null;
            return data.data && data.data[key] || data[key];

        // No need to verify a which status isn't approved
        // It means it already has been
        if (that.state !== store.APPROVED)

        store._validator(that, function(success, data) {
            if (!data) data = {};
            store.log.debug("verify -> " + JSON.stringify({
                success: success,
                data: data
            var dataTransaction = getData(data, 'transaction');
            if (dataTransaction) {
                that.transaction = Object.assign({}, that.transaction || {}, dataTransaction);
            if (success) {
                store.log.debug("verify -> success: " + JSON.stringify(data));

                // Process the list of products that are ineligible
                // for introductory prices.
                if (data && data.ineligible_for_intro_price &&
                         data.ineligible_for_intro_price.forEach) {
                    var ineligibleGroups = {};
                    data.ineligible_for_intro_price.forEach(function(pid) {
                        var p = store.get(pid);
                        if (p && p.group)
                            ineligibleGroups[p.group] = true;
                    store.products.forEach(function(p) {
                        if (data.ineligible_for_intro_price.indexOf(p.id) >= 0) {
                            store.log.debug('verify -> ' + p.id + ' ineligibleForIntroPrice:true');
                            p.set('ineligibleForIntroPrice', true);
                        else {
                            if (p.group && ineligibleGroups[p.group]) {
                                store.log.debug('verify -> ' + p.id + ' ineligibleForIntroPrice:true');
                                p.set('ineligibleForIntroPrice', true);
                            else {
                                store.log.debug('verify -> ' + p.id + ' ineligibleForIntroPrice:false');
                                p.set('ineligibleForIntroPrice', false);
                if (data && data.collection && data.collection.forEach) {
                    // new behavior: the validator sets products state in the collection
                    // (including expiry status)
                    data.collection.forEach(function(purchase) {
                        var p = store.get(purchase.id);
                        if (p) {

                else if (that.expired) {
                    // old behavior: a valid receipt means the subscription isn't expired.
                    that.set("expired", false);

                store.utils.callExternal('verify.success', successCb, that, data);
                store.utils.callExternal('verify.done', doneCb, that);
            else {
                store.log.debug("verify -> error: " + JSON.stringify(data));
                var msg = data && data.error && data.error.message ? data.error.message : '';
                var err = new store.Error({
                    code: store.ERR_VERIFICATION_FAILED,
                    message: "Transaction verification failed: " + msg
                if (data.code === store.PURCHASE_EXPIRED) {
                    err = new store.Error({
                        code: store.ERR_PAYMENT_EXPIRED,
                        message: "Transaction expired: " + msg
                    that.set("expired", true);
                    store.utils.callExternal('verify.error', errorCb, err);
                    store.utils.callExternal('verify.done', doneCb, that);
                    that.set("state", store.VALID);
                    store.utils.callExternal('verify.expired', expiredCb, that);
                else if (nRetry < 4) {
                    // It failed... let's try one more time. Maybe the appStoreReceipt wasn't updated yet.
                    nRetry += 1;
                    delay(this, tryValidation, 1500 * nRetry * nRetry);
                else {
                    store.log.debug("validation failed, no retrying, trigger an error");
                    store.utils.callExternal('verify.error', errorCb, err);
                    store.utils.callExternal('verify.done', doneCb, that);

    defer(this, function() {
        if (that.state !== store.APPROVED) {
            if (that.type !== store.APPLICATION) {
                var err = new store.Error({
                    code: store.ERR_VERIFICATION_FAILED,
                    message: "Product isn't in the APPROVED state"
                store.utils.callExternal('verify.error', errorCb, err);
            store.utils.callExternal('verify.done', doneCb, that);

    // For some reason, the appStoreReceipt isn't always immediately available.
    delay(this, tryValidation, 1000);

    /// ##### return value
    /// A Promise with the following methods:
    var ret = {
        ///  - `done(function(product){})`
        ///    - called whether verification failed or succeeded.
        done:    function(cb) { doneCb = cb;    return this; },
        ///  - `expired(function(product){})`
        ///    - called if the purchase expired.
        expired: function(cb) { expiredCb = cb; return this; },
        ///  - `success(function(product, purchaseData){})`
        ///    - called if the purchase is valid and verified.
        ///    - `purchaseData` is the device dependent transaction details
        ///      returned by the validator, which you can most probably ignore.
        success: function(cb) { successCb = cb; return this; },
        ///  - `error(function(err){})`
        ///    - validation failed, either because of expiry or communication
        ///      failure.
        ///    - `err` is a [store.Error object](#errors), with a code expected to be
        ///      `store.ERR_PAYMENT_EXPIRED` or `store.ERR_VERIFICATION_FAILED`.
        error:   function(cb) { errorCb = cb;   return this; }

    return ret;

store._extractTransactionFields = function(that, t) {
    t = t || that.transaction;
    store.log.debug('transaction fields for ' + that.id);
    // using legacy transactions (platform specific)
    if (t.type === 'ios-appstore' && t.expires_date_ms) {
        that.lastRenewalDate = new Date(parseInt(t.purchase_date_ms));
        that.expiryDate = new Date(parseInt(t.expires_date_ms));
        store.log.debug('expiryDate: ' + that.expiryDate.toISOString());
    else if (t.type === 'android-playstore' && t.expiryTimeMillis > 0) {
        that.lastRenewalDate = new Date(parseInt(t.startTimeMillis));
        that.expiryDate = new Date(parseInt(t.expiryTimeMillis));
        store.log.debug('expiryDate: ' + that.expiryDate.toISOString());
    // using unified transaction fields
    if (t.expiryDate)
        that.expiryDate = new Date(t.expiryDate);
    if (t.lastRenewalDate)
        that.lastRenewalDate = new Date(t.lastRenewalDate);
    if (t.renewalIntent)
        that.renewalIntent = t.renewalIntent;
    // owned?
    if (that.type === store.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION && +that.expiryDate) {
        var now = +new Date();
        if (now > that.expiryDate.getTime() + 60000) {
            window.setTimeout(function() {
                if (that.state === store.OWNED) {
                    that.set('state', store.APPROVED);
            }, 30000);
    return t;



/// ## <a name="errors"></a>*store.Error* object
/// All error callbacks takes an `error` object as parameter.

store.Error = function(options) {

    if (!options)
        options = {};

    /// Errors have the following fields:

    ///  - `error.code` - An integer [error code](#error-codes). See the [error codes](#error-codes) section for more details.
    this.code = options.code || store.ERR_UNKNOWN;

    ///  - `error.message` - Human readable message string, useful for debugging.
    this.message = options.message || "unknown error";

/// ## <a name="error"></a>*store.error(callback)*
/// Register an error handler.
/// `callback` is a function taking an [error](#errors) as argument.
/// ### example use:
///     store.error(function(e){
///         console.log("ERROR " + e.code + ": " + e.message);
///     });
store.error = function(cb, altCb) {

    var ret = cb;

    if (cb instanceof store.Error) {
    else if (typeof cb === "function") {

    /// ### alternative usage
    ///  - `store.error(code, callback)`
    ///    - only call the callback for errors with the given error code.
    ///    - **example**: `store.error(store.ERR_SETUP, function() { ... });`
    else if (typeof altCb === "function") {
        ret = function(err) {
            if (err.code === cb)
    else if (cb.code && cb.message) {
        store.error.callbacks.trigger(new store.Error(cb));
    else if (cb.code) {
        // error message is null(unknown error)
        store.error.callbacks.trigger(new store.Error(cb));

   return ret;

/// ### unregister the error callback
/// To unregister the callback, you will use [`store.off()`](#off):
/// ```js
/// var handler = store.error(function() { ... } );
/// ...
/// store.off(handler);
/// ```

// Unregister a callback registered with `store.error`
// this method is called by `store.off`.
store.error.unregister = function(cb) {


(function() {

/// ## <a name="register"></a>*store.register(product)*
/// Add (or register) a product into the store.
/// A product can't be used unless registered first!
/// Product is an object with fields :
///  - `id`
///  - `type`
///  - `alias` (optional)
/// See documentation for the [product](#product) object for more information.
store.register = function(product) {
    if (!product)
    if (typeof product.length === 'number')

/// ##### example usage
/// ```js
/// store.register({
///     id: "cc.fovea.inapp1",
///     alias: "full version",
///     type: store.NON_CONSUMABLE
/// });
/// ```

// ## <a name="registerProducts"></a>*registerProducts(products)*
// Adds (or register) products into the store. Products can't be used
// unless registered first!
// Products is an array of object with fields :
//  - `id`
//  - `type`
//  - `alias` (optional)
// See documentation for the [product](#product) object for more information.
function registerProducts(products) {
    for (var i = 0; i < products.length; ++i) {
        products[i].state = store.REGISTERED;
        var p = new store.Product(products[i]);
        if (!p.alias)
            p.alias = p.id;

        // Check if id or alias contain filtered-out keywords
        if (p.id !== store._queries.uniqueQuery(p.id))
        if (p.alias !== store._queries.uniqueQuery(p.alias))

        if (hasKeyword(p.id) || hasKeyword(p.alias))


/// ### Reserved keywords
/// Some reserved keywords can't be used in the product `id` and `alias`:
var keywords = [      ///
    'product',        ///  - `product`
    'order',          ///  - `order`
    store.REGISTERED, ///  - `registered`
    store.VALID,      ///  - `valid`
    store.INVALID,    ///  - `invalid`
    store.REQUESTED,  ///  - `requested`
    store.INITIATED,  ///  - `initiated`
    store.APPROVED,   ///  - `approved`
    store.OWNED,      ///  - `owned`
    store.FINISHED,   ///  - `finished`
    store.DOWNLOADING,///  - `downloading`
    store.DOWNLOADED, ///  - `downloaded`
    'refreshed'       ///  - `refreshed`
];                    ///

function hasKeyword(string) {
    if (!string)
        return false;
    var tokens = string.split(' ');
    for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
        var token = tokens[i];
        for (var j = 0; j < keywords.length; ++j) {
            if (token === keywords[j])
                return true;
    return false;

(function() {

/// ## <a name="get"></a>*store.get(id)*
/// Retrieve a [product](#product) from its `id` or `alias`.
/// ##### example usage
/// ```js
///     var product = store.get("cc.fovea.product1");
/// ```
store.get = function(id) {
    var product = store.products.byId[id] || store.products.byAlias[id];
    return product;


/// ## <a name="when"></a>*store.when(query)*
/// Register a callback for a product-related event.
store.when = function(query, once, callback) {

    // No arguments, will match all products.
    if (typeof query === 'undefined')
        query = '';

    // In case the first arguemnt is a product, convert to its id
    if (typeof query === 'object' && query instanceof store.Product)
        query = query.id;

    if (typeof once === 'function') {
        return store.when("", query, once);
    else if (typeof once !== 'string') {

        var ret = {};
        var addPromise = function(name) {
            ret[name] = function(cb) {
                store._queries.callbacks.add(query, name, cb, once);
                return this;

        /// ### return value
        /// Return a Promise with methods to register callbacks for
        /// product events defined below.
        /// #### events

        ///  - `loaded(product)`
        ///    - Called when [product](#product) data is loaded from the store.

        ///  - `updated(product)`
        ///    - Called when any change occured to a product.

        ///  - `error(err)`
        ///    - Called when an [order](#order) failed.
        ///    - The `err` parameter is an [error object](#errors)

        ///  - `approved(product)`
        ///    - Called when a product [order](#order) is approved.

        ///  - `owned(product)`
        ///    - Called when a non-consumable product or subscription is owned.

        ///  - `cancelled(product)`
        ///    - Called when a product [order](#order) is cancelled by the user.

        ///  - `refunded(product)`
        ///    - Called when an order is refunded by the user.

        ///  - Actually, all other product states have their promise
        ///    - `registered`, `valid`, `invalid`, `requested`,
        ///      `initiated` and `finished`

        ///  - `verified(product)`
        ///    - Called when receipt validation successful

        ///  - `unverified(product)`
        ///    - Called when receipt verification failed

        ///  - `expired(product)`
        ///    - Called when validation find a subscription to be expired

        ///  - `downloading(product, progress, time_remaining)`
        ///    - Called when content download is started

        ///  - `downloaded(product)`
        ///    - Called when content download has successfully completed

        return ret;
    else {
        /// ### alternative usage
        ///  - `store.when(query, action, callback)`
        ///    - Register a callback using its action name. Beware that this is more
        ///      error prone, as there are not gonna be any error in case of typos.
        /// ```js
        /// store.when("cc.fovea.inapp1", "approved", function(product) { ... });
        /// ```
        var action = once;
        store._queries.callbacks.add(query, action, callback);

/// ### unregister a callback
/// To unregister a callback, use [`store.off()`](#off).

// Remove any callbacks registered with `when`
store.when.unregister = function(cb) {


/// ## <a name="once"></a>*store.once(query)*
/// Identical to [`store.when`](#when), but the callback will be called only once.
/// After being called, the callback will be unregistered.
store.once = function(query, action, callback) {
    if (typeof action === 'function') {
        return store.when(query, action, true);
    else if (typeof action === 'undefined') {
        return store.when(query, true);
    else {
        /// ### alternative usage
        ///  - `store.once(query, action, callback)`
        ///    - Same remarks as `store.when(query, action, callback)`
        store._queries.callbacks.add(query, action, callback, true);

store.once.unregister = store.when.unregister;

(function() {

// Store all pending callbacks, prevents promises to be called multiple times.
var callbacks = {};

// Next call to `order` will store its callbacks using this ID, then increment the ID.
var callbackId = 0;

store.order = function(pid, additionalData) {

    var p = pid;

    if (typeof pid === "string") {
        p = store.products.byId[pid] || store.products.byAlias[pid];
        if (!p) {
            p = new store.Product({
                id: pid,
                loaded: true,
                valid: false

    var a; // short name for additionalData
    if (additionalData && typeof additionalData === 'object') {
        a = p.additionalData = Object.assign({}, additionalData);
    else {
        a = p.additionalData = {};

    // Associate the active user with the purchase
    if (!a.applicationUsername) {
        a.applicationUsername = store.getApplicationUsername(p);

    // Let the platform extend additional data
    if (store.extendAdditionalData) {

    var localCallbackId = callbackId++;
    var localCallback = callbacks[localCallbackId] = {};

    function done() {
        delete localCallback.then;
        delete localCallback.error;
        delete callbacks[localCallbackId];

    // Request the purchase.
    store.ready(function() {
            state: store.REQUESTED

    /// ### return value
    /// `store.order()` returns a Promise with the following methods:
    return {
        ///  - `then` - called when the order was successfully initiated
        then: function(cb) {
            localCallback.then = cb;
            store.once(p.id, "initiated", function() {
                if (!localCallback.then)
            return this;

        ///  - `error` - called if the order couldn't be initiated
        error: function(cb) {
            localCallback.error = cb;
            store.once(p.id, "error", function(err) {
                if (!localCallback.error)
            return this;

// Remove pending callbacks registered with `order`
store.order.unregister = function(cb) {
    for (var i in callbacks) {
        if (callbacks[i].then === cb)
            delete callbacks[i].then;
        if (callbacks[i].error === cb)
            delete callbacks[i].error;

(function() {

var isReady = false;

var callbacks = [];

/// ## <a name="ready"></a>*store.ready(callback)*
/// Register the `callback` to be called when the store is ready to be used.
/// If the store is already ready, `callback` is executed immediately.
/// `store.ready()` without arguments will return the `ready` status.
store.ready = function (cb) {

    /// ### alternate usage (internal)
    /// `store.ready(true)` will set the `ready` status to true,
    /// and call the registered callbacks.
    if (cb === true) {
        if (isReady) return this;
        isReady = true;
        for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; ++i)
            store.utils.callExternal('ready.callback', callbacks[i]);
        callbacks = [];
    else if (cb) {
        if (isReady) {
            // defer execution to prevent falsy belief that code works
            // whereas it only works synchronously.
            setTimeout(function() {
                store.utils.callExternal('ready.callback', cb);
            }, 1);
            return this;
        else {
    else {
        return isReady;
    return this;

// Remove any callbacks registered with `ready`
store.ready.unregister = function(cb) {
    callbacks = callbacks.filter(function(o) {
        return o !== cb;

store.ready.reset = function() {
    isReady = false;
    callbacks = [];

(function() {

/// ## <a name="off"></a>*store.off(callback)*
/// Unregister a callback. Works for callbacks registered with `ready`, `when`, `once` and `error`.
/// Example use:
/// ```js
///     var fun = function(product) {
///         // Product loaded while the store screen is visible.
///         // Refresh some stuff.
///     };
///     store.when("product").loaded(fun);
///     ...
///     [later]
///     ...
///     store.off(fun);
/// ```
store.off = function(callback) {

    // Unregister from `ready`

    // Unregister from `when` and `once`

    // Unregister from `order`

    // Unregister from `error`

(function() {

store.validator = "https://validator.fovea.cc/v1/validate?appName=kr.test.test&apiKey=c94test10-e3ctest4e";

var validationRequests = [];
var timeout = null;

function runValidation() {

  timeout = null;
  var requests = validationRequests;
  validationRequests = [];

  // Merge validation requests by products.
  var byProduct = {};
  requests.forEach(function(request) {
    var productId = request.product.id;
    if (byProduct[productId]) {
      // assume the most up to date value for product will come last
      byProduct[productId].product = request.product;
    else {
      byProduct[productId] = {
        product: request.product,
        callbacks: [request.callback]

  // Run one validation request for each product.
  Object.keys(byProduct).forEach(function(productId) {
      var request = byProduct[productId];
      var product = request.product;

      // Ensure applicationUsername is sent with validation requests
      if (!product.additionalData) {
          product.additionalData = {};
      if (!product.additionalData.applicationUsername) {
          product.additionalData.applicationUsername =
      if (!product.additionalData.applicationUsername) {
          delete product.additionalData.applicationUsername;

      var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(product));
      data.device = Object.assign(data.device || {}, getDeviceInfo());

      // Post
          url: store.validator,
          method: 'POST',
          data: data,
          success: function(data) {
              store.log.debug("validator success, response: " + JSON.stringify(data));
              request.callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
                  callback(data && data.ok, data.data);
          error: function(status, message, data) {
              var fullMessage = "Error " + status + ": " + message;
              store.log.debug("validator failed, response: " + JSON.stringify(fullMessage));
              store.log.debug("body => " + JSON.stringify(data));
              request.callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
                  callback(false, fullMessage);

  function isArray(arg) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]';
  function isObject(arg) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Object]';

  // List of functions allowed by store.validator_privacy_policy
  function getPrivacyPolicy () {
    if (typeof store.validator_privacy_policy === 'string')
      return store.validator_privacy_policy.split(',');
    else if (isArray(store.validator_privacy_policy))
      return store.validator_privacy_policy;
    else // default: no tracking
      return ['analytics','support','fraud'];

  function getDeviceInfo () {

    var privacy_policy = getPrivacyPolicy(); // string[]
    function allowed(policy) {
      return privacy_policy.indexOf(policy) >= 0;

    // Different versions of the plugin use different response fields.
    // Sending this information allows the validator to reply with only expected information.
    var ret = {
      plugin: 'cordova-plugin-purchase/' + store.version,

    // the cordova-plugin-device global object
    var device = {};
    if (isObject(this.device))
      device = this.device;

    // Send the receipt validator information about the device.
    // This will allow to make vendor or device specific fixes and detect class
    // of devices with issues.
    // Knowing running version of OS and libraries also required for handling
    // support requests.
    if (allowed('analytics') || allowed('support')) {
      // Version of ionic (if applicable)
      var ionic = this.Ionic || this.ionic;
      if (ionic && ionic.version)
        ret.ionic = ionic.version;
      // Information from the cordova-plugin-device (if installed)
      if (device.cordova)
        ret.cordova = device.cordova; // Version of cordova
      if (device.model)
        ret.model = device.model; // Device model
      if (device.platform)
        ret.platform = device.platform; // OS
      if (device.version)
        ret.version = device.version; // OS version
      if (device.manufacturer)
        ret.manufacturer = device.manufacturer; // Device manufacturer

    // Device identifiers are used for tracking users across services
    // It is sometimes required for support requests too, but I choose to
    // keep this out.
    if (allowed('tracking')) {
      if (device.serial)
        ret.serial = device.serial; // Hardware serial number
      if (device.uuid)
        ret.uuid = device.uuid; // Device UUID

    // Running from a simulator is an error condition for in-app purchases.
    // Since only developers run in a simulator, let's always report that.
    if (device.isVirtual)
      ret.isVirtual = device.isVirtual; // Simulator

    // Probably nobody wants to disable fraud discovery.
    // A fingerprint of the device identifiers is used for fraud discovery.
    // An alert should be triggered by the validator when a lot of devices
    // share a single receipt.
    if (allowed('fraud')) {
      // For fraud discovery, we only need a fingerprint of the device.
      var fingerprint = '';
      if (device.serial)
        fingerprint = 'serial:' + device.serial; // Hardware serial number
      else if (device.uuid)
        fingerprint = 'uuid:' + device.uuid; // Device UUID
      else {
        // Using only model and manufacturer, we might end-up with many
        // users sharing the same fingerprint, which is fine for fraud discovery.
        if (device.model)
          fingerprint += '/' + device.model;
        if (device.manufacturer)
          fingerprint = '/' + device.manufacturer;
      // Fingerprint is hashed to keep required level of privacy.
      if (fingerprint)
        ret.fingerprint = store.utils.md5(fingerprint);

    return ret;

function scheduleValidation() {
  if (timeout)
  timeout = setTimeout(runValidation, 1500);

// ## store._validator
// Execute the internal validation call, either to a webservice
// or to the provided callback.
// Also makes sure to refresh the receipts.
store._validator = function(product, callback, isPrepared) {
    if (!store.validator) {
        callback(true, product);

    if (store._prepareForValidation && isPrepared !== true) {
        store._prepareForValidation(product, function() {
            store._validator(product, callback, true);

    if (typeof store.validator === 'string') {
            product: product,
            callback: callback
    else {
        store.validator(product, callback);

store.update = function() {};

(function() {

var initialRefresh = true;

function createPromise() {
    var events = {};

    // User callbacks for each type of events
    var callbacks = {
        "refresh-failed": [],
        "refresh-cancelled": [],
        "refresh-completed": [],
        "refresh-finished": [],

    // Setup our own event handlers
    store.once("", "refresh-failed", failed);
    store.once("", "refresh-cancelled", cancelled);
    store.once("", "refresh-completed", completed);
    store.once("", "refresh-finished", finished);

    // Return the promise object
    return {
        cancelled: genPromise("refresh-cancelled"),
        failed: genPromise("refresh-failed"),
        completed: genPromise("refresh-completed"),
        finished: genPromise("refresh-finished"),

    // A promise function calls the callback or registers it
    function genPromise(eventName) {
        return function(cb) {
            if (events[eventName])
            return this;

    // Call all user callbacks for a given event
    function callback(eventName) {
        callbacks[eventName].forEach(function(cb) { cb(); });
        callbacks[eventName] = [];

    // Delete user callbacks for a given event
    // Trigger the refresh-finished event when no more products are in the
    // approved state.
    function checkFinished() {
        if (events["refresh-finished"]) return;
        function isApproved(p) { return p.state === store.APPROVED; }
        if (store.products.filter(isApproved).length === 0) {
            // done processing

    // Remove base events handlers
    function off() {

    // Fire a base event
    function fire(eventName) {
        if (events[eventName]) return false;
        events[eventName] = true;
        return true;

    // Fire the refresh-finished event
    function finish() {
        if (events["refresh-finished"]) return;
        events["refresh-finished"] = true;
        // setTimeout guarantees calling order
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 100);

    // refresh-cancelled called when the user cancelled the password popup
    function cancelled() {

    // refresh-cancelled called when restore purchases couldn't complete
    // (can't connect to store or user not allowed to make purchases)
    function failed() {

    function error() {

    // refresh-completed is called when all owned products have been
    // sent to the approved state.
    function completed() {
        if (fire("refresh-completed")) {
            checkFinished(); // make sure this is called at least once

    function finished() {


store.refresh = function() {

    var promise = createPromise();

    if (initialRefresh) {
        initialRefresh = false;
        return promise;

    store.log.debug("refresh -> checking products state (" + store.products.length + " products)");
    for (var i = 0; i < store.products.length; ++i) {
        var p = store.products[i];
        store.log.debug("refresh -> product id " + p.id + " (" + p.alias + ")");
        store.log.debug("           in state '" + p.state + "'");

        // resend the "approved" event to all approved purchases.
        // give user a chance to try delivering the content again and
        // finish the purchase.
        if (p.state === store.APPROVED)

        // also send back subscription to approved so their expiry date gets validated again
        // BEWARE. If user is offline, he won't be able to access the content
        // because validation will fail with a connection timeout.
        else if (p.state === store.OWNED && (p.type === store.FREE_SUBSCRIPTION || p.type === store.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION))
            p.set("state", store.APPROVED);

    return promise;



var logLevel = {};
logLevel[store.ERROR] = "ERROR";
logLevel[store.WARNING] = "WARNING";
logLevel[store.INFO] = "INFO";
logLevel[store.DEBUG] = "DEBUG";

function log(level, o) {
    var maxLevel = store.verbosity === true ? 1 : store.verbosity;
    if (level > maxLevel)

    if (typeof o !== 'string')
        o = JSON.stringify(o);

    if (logLevel[level])
        console.log("[store.js] " + logLevel[level] + ": " + o);
        console.log("[store.js] " + o);

/// ## *store.log* object
store.log = {

    /// ### `store.log.error(message)`
    /// Logs an error message, only if `store.verbosity` >= store.ERROR
    error: function(o) { log(store.ERROR, o); },

    /// ### `store.log.warn(message)`
    /// Logs a warning message, only if `store.verbosity` >= store.WARNING
    warn: function(o) { log(store.WARNING, o); },

    /// ### `store.log.info(message)`
    /// Logs an info message, only if `store.verbosity` >= store.INFO
    info: function(o) { log(store.INFO, o); },

    /// ### `store.log.debug(message)`
    /// Logs a debug message, only if `store.verbosity` >= store.DEBUG
    debug: function(o) { log(store.DEBUG, o); }

(function() {

/// ## `store.developerPayload`
/// An optional developer-specified string to attach to new orders, to
/// provide supplemental information if required.
/// When it's a string, it contains the direct value to use. Example:
/// ```js
/// store.developerPayload = "some-value";
/// ```
/// When it's a function, the payload will be the returned value. The
/// function takes a product as argument and returns a string.
/// Example:
/// ```js
/// store.developerPayload = function(product) {
///   return getInternalId(product.id);
/// };
/// ```

store.developerPayload = "";

store.applicationUsername = "";

store.getApplicationUsername = stringOrFunction('applicationUsername');

/// ## `store.developerName`
/// An optional string of developer profile name. This value can be
/// used for payment risk evaluation.
/// _Do not use the user account ID for this field._
/// Example:
/// ```js
/// store.developerName = "billing.fovea.cc";
/// ```
store.developerName = "";

// For internal use.
store._evaluateDeveloperPayload = stringOrFunction('developerPayload');

function stringOrFunction(key) {
    return function (product) {
        if (typeof store[key] === 'function')
            return store[key](product);
        return store[key] || "";


/// #### <a name="getGroup"></a>`store.getGroup(groupId)` ##
/// Return all products member of a given subscription group.
store.getGroup = function(groupId) {
    if (!groupId) return [];
    return store.products.filter(function(product) {
        return product.group === groupId;

/// # Random Tips
/// - Sometimes during development, the queue of pending transactions fills up on your devices. Before doing anything else you can set `store.autoFinishTransactions` to `true` to clean up the queue. Beware: **this is not meant for production**.
/// - The plugin will auto refresh the status of user's purchases every 24h. You can change this interval by setting `store.autoRefreshIntervalMillis` to another interval (before calling `store.init()`). (this isn't implemented on iOS since [it isn't necessary](https://github.com/j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase/issues/777#issuecomment-481633968)). Set to `0` to disable auto-refreshing.
/// # internal APIs

(function() {

/// ## *store.products* array ##
/// Array of all registered products
/// #### example
///     store.products[0]
store.products = [];

/// ### *store.products.push(product)*
/// Acts like the Array `push` method, but also adds
/// the product to the [byId](#byId) and [byAlias](#byAlias) objects.
store.products.push = function(p) {
    Array.prototype.push.call(this, p);
    this.byId[p.id] = p;
    this.byAlias[p.alias] = p;

/// ### <a name="byId"></a>*store.products.byId* dictionary
/// Registered products indexed by their ID
/// #### example
///     store.products.byId["cc.fovea.inapp1"]
store.products.byId = {};

/// ### <a name="byAlias"></a>*store.products.byAlias* dictionary
/// Registered products indexed by their alias
/// #### example
///     store.products.byAlias["full version"]```
store.products.byAlias = {};

// ### *store.products.reset()*
// Remove all products (for testing only).
store.products.reset = function() {
    while (this.length > 0)
    this.byAlias = {};
    this.byId = {};

(function() {

var dateFields = ['expiryDate', 'purchaseDate', 'lastRenewalDate', 'renewalIntentChangeDate'];

store.Product.prototype.set = function(key, value) {
    if (typeof key === 'string') {
        if (dateFields.indexOf(key) >= 0 && !(value instanceof Date)) {
            value = new Date(value);
        if (key === 'isExpired' && value === true && this.owned) {
            this.set('owned', false);
            this.set('state', store.VALID);
            this.set('expired', true);
        if (key === 'isExpired' && value === false && !this.owned) {
            this.set('expired', false);
            if (this.state !== store.APPROVED) {
                // user have to "finish()" to own an approved transaction
                // in other cases, we can safely set the OWNED state.
                this.set('state', store.OWNED);
        this[key] = value;
        if (key === 'state')
    else {
        var options = key;
        for (key in options) {
            value = options[key];
            this.set(key, value);

var attributesStack = {};

store.Product.prototype.push = function(key, value) {
    // save attributes
    var stack = attributesStack[this.id];
    if (!stack) {
        stack = attributesStack[this.id] = [];
    // update attributes
    this.set(key, value);

store.Product.prototype.pop = function() {
    // restore attributes
    var stack = attributesStack[this.id];
    if (!stack) {
    var json = stack.pop();
    if (!json) {
    var attributes = JSON.parse(json);
    for (var key in attributes) {
        this.set(key, attributes[key]);

store.Product.prototype.stateChanged = function() {

    // update some properties useful to the user
    // to make sense of the product state without writing
    // complex conditions.

    this.canPurchase = this.state === store.VALID;
    store.getGroup(this.group).forEach(function(otherProduct) {
        if (otherProduct.state === store.INITIATED)
            this.canPurchase = false;
    this.loaded      = this.state && this.state !== store.REGISTERED;
    this.owned       = this.owned || this.state === store.OWNED;
    this.downloading = this.downloading || this.state === store.DOWNLOADING;
    this.downloaded  = this.downloaded || this.state === store.DOWNLOADED;
    this.deferred    = this.deferred && this.state === store.INITIATED;

    // update validity
    this.valid       = this.state !== store.INVALID;
    if (!this.state || this.state === store.REGISTERED)
        delete this.valid;

    store.log.debug("state: " + this.id + " -> " + this.state);

    if (this.state)

/// ### aliases to `store` methods, added for convenience.
store.Product.prototype.on = function(event, cb) {
    store.when(this.id, event, cb);
store.Product.prototype.once = function(event, cb) {
    store.once(this.id, event, cb);
store.Product.prototype.off = function(cb) {
store.Product.prototype.trigger = function(action, args) {
    store.trigger(this, action, args);


/// ## *store._queries* object
/// The `queries` object handles the callbacks registered for any given couple
/// of [query](#queries) and action.
/// Internally, the magic is found within the [`triggerWhenProduct`](#triggerWhenProduct)
/// method, which generates for a given product the list of all possible
/// queries that describe the product.
/// Queries are generated using the id, alias, type or validity of the product.
store._queries = {

    /// ### *store._queries.uniqueQuery(string)*
    /// Transform a human readable query string
    /// into a unique string by filtering out reserved keywords:
    uniqueQuery: function(string) {
        if (!string)
            return '';
        var query = '';
        var tokens = string.split(' ');
        for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
            var token = tokens[i];
            if (token !== 'order' &&   ///  - `order`
                token !== 'product') { ///  - `product`
                if (query !== '')
                    query += ' ';
                query += token;
        return query;

    /// ### *store._queries.callbacks* object
    /// Callbacks registered organized by query strings

    callbacks: {
        /// #### *store._queries.callbacks.byQuery* dictionary
        /// Dictionary of:
        ///  - *key*: a string equals to `query + " " + action`
        ///  - *value*: array of callbacks
        /// Each callback have the following attributes:
        ///  - `cb`: callback *function*
        ///  - `once`: *true* iff the callback should be called only once, then removed from the dictionary.
        byQuery: {},

        /// #### *store._queries.callbacks.add(query, action, callback, once)*
        /// Simplify the query with `uniqueQuery()`, then add it to the dictionary.
        /// `action` is concatenated to the `query` string to create the key.
        add: function(query, action, cb, once) {
            var fullQuery = store._queries.uniqueQuery(query ? query + " " + action : action);
            if (this.byQuery[fullQuery])
                this.byQuery[fullQuery].push({cb:cb, once:once});
                this.byQuery[fullQuery] = [{cb:cb, once:once}];
            // store.log.debug("queries ++ '" + fullQuery + "'");

        unregister: function(cb) {
            var keep = function(o) {
                return o.cb !== cb;
            for (var i in this.byQuery)
                this.byQuery[i] = this.byQuery[i].filter(keep);

    /// ### *store._queries.triggerAction(action, args)*
    /// Trigger the callbacks registered when a given `action` (string)
    /// happens, unrelated to a product.
    /// `args` are passed as arguments to the registered callbacks.
    triggerAction: function(action, args) {

        var cbs = store._queries.callbacks.byQuery[action];
        // store.log.debug("queries !! '" + action + "'");
        if (cbs) {
            ///  - Call the callbacks
            for (var j = 0; j < cbs.length; ++j) {
                try {
                    cbs[j].cb.apply(store, args);
                catch (err) {
                    store.utils.logError(action, err);
            ///  - Remove callbacks that needed to be called only once
            store._queries.callbacks.byQuery[action] = cbs.filter(isNotOnce);

    /// ### *store._queries.triggerWhenProduct(product, action, args)*
    /// Trigger the callbacks registered when a given `action` (string)
    /// happens to a given [`product`](#product).
    /// `args` are passed as arguments to the registered callbacks.
    triggerWhenProduct: function(product, action, args) {

        /// The method generates all possible queries for the given `product` and `action`.
        var queries = [];

        ///  - product.id + " " + action
        if (product && product.id)
            queries.push(product.id + " " + action);
        ///  - product.alias + " " + action
        if (product && product.alias && product.alias !== product.id)
            queries.push(product.alias + " " + action);
        ///  - product.type + " " + action
        if (product && product.type)
            queries.push(product.type + " " + action);
        ///  - "subscription " + action (if type is a subscription)
        if (product && product.type && (product.type === store.FREE_SUBSCRIPTION || product.type === store.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION))
            queries.push("subscription " + action);
        ///  - "valid " + action (if product is valid)
        if (product && product.valid === true)
            queries.push("valid " + action);
        ///  - "invalid " + action (if product is invalid)
        if (product && product.valid === false)
            queries.push("invalid " + action);
        ///  - action

        /// Then, for each query:
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
            var q = queries[i];
            // store.log.debug("store.queries !! '" + q + "'");
            var cbs = store._queries.callbacks.byQuery[q];
            if (cbs) {
                ///  - Call the callbacks
                for (var j = 0; j < cbs.length; ++j) {
                    try {
                        cbs[j].cb.apply(store, args);
                    catch (err) {

                        // Generate a store error.
                        store.utils.logError(q, err);

                        // We will throw the exception, but later,
                        // first let all callbacks do their job.
                ///  - Remove callbacks that needed to be called only once
                store._queries.callbacks.byQuery[q] = cbs.filter(isNotOnce);

        /// **Note**: All events also trigger the `updated` event
        if (action !== "updated" && action !== 'error')
            this.triggerWhenProduct(product, "updated", [ product ]);


// isNotOnce return true iff a callback should be called more than once.
function isNotOnce(cb) {
    return !cb.once;

function deferThrow(err) {
    setTimeout(function() { throw err; }, 1);

(function() {

/// ## <a name="trigger"></a>*store.trigger(product, action, args)*
/// For internal use, trigger an event so listeners are notified.
/// It's a conveniance method, that adds flexibility to [`_queries.triggerWhenProduct`](#triggerWhenProduct) by:
store.trigger = function(product, action, args) {

    ///  - allowing to trigger events unrelated to products
    ///    - by doing `store.trigger("refreshed")` for example.
    if (!action && !args && typeof product === 'string') {
        store.log.debug("store.trigger -> triggering action " + product);

    ///  - allowing the `product` argument to be either:
    ///    - a [product](#product)
    ///    - a product `id`
    ///    - a product `alias`
    if (typeof product === "string") {
        product = store.get(product);
        if (!product)

    ///  - converting the `args` argument to an array if it's not one
    if (typeof args !== 'undefined' && (typeof args !== 'object' || typeof args.length !== 'number')) {
        args = [ args ];

    ///  - adding the product itself as an argument to the event if none were passed
    if (typeof args === 'undefined') {
        args = [ product ];

    store._queries.triggerWhenProduct(product, action, args);


/// ## *store.error.callbacks* array
/// Array of user registered error callbacks.
store.error.callbacks = [];

/// ### *store.error.callbacks.trigger(error)*
/// Execute all error callbacks with the given `error` argument.
store.error.callbacks.trigger = function(error) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
        try {
            this[i].call(store, error);
        catch (err) {
            store.utils.logError("error", err);

/// ### *store.error.callbacks.reset()*
/// Remove all error callbacks.
store.error.callbacks.reset = function() {
    while (this.length > 0)

store.error.callbacks.unregister = function(cb) {
    var newArray = this.filter(function(o) {
        return o !== cb;
    if (newArray.length < this.length) {
        for (var i = 0; i < newArray.length; ++i)

function deferThrow(err) {
    setTimeout(function() { throw err; }, 1);


/// ## store.utils
store.utils = {

    /// ### store.utils.logError(context, error)
    /// Add warning logs on a console describing an exceptions.
    /// This method is mostly used when execting user registered callbacks.
    /// * `context` is a string describing why the method was called
    /// * `error` is a javascript Error object thrown by a exception
    logError: function(context, err) {
        store.log.warn("A callback in \'" + context + "\' failed with an exception.");
        if (typeof err === 'string')
            store.log.warn("           " + err);
        else if (err) {
            if (err.fileName)
                store.log.warn("           " + err.fileName + ":" + err.lineNumber);
            if (err.message)
                store.log.warn("           " + err.message);
            if (err.stack)
                store.log.warn("           " + err.stack);

    /// ### store.utils.callExternal(context, callback, ...)
    /// Calls an user-registered callback.
    /// Won't throw exceptions, only logs errors.
    /// * `name` is a short string describing the callback
    /// * `callback` is the callback to call (won't fail if undefined)
    /// #### example usage
    /// ```js
    /// store.utils.callExternal("ajax.error", options.error, 404, "Not found");
    /// ```
    callExternal: function(name, callback) {
        try {
            var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
            // store.log.debug("calling " + name + "(" + JSON.stringify(args2) + ")");
            if (callback) callback.apply(this, args);
        catch (e) {
            store.utils.logError(name, e);

    /// ### store.utils.ajax(options)
    /// Simplified version of jQuery's ajax method based on XMLHttpRequest.
    /// Only supports JSON requests.
    /// Options:
    /// * `url`:
    /// * `method`: HTTP method to use (GET, POST, ...)
    /// * `success`: callback(data)
    /// * `error`: callback(statusCode, statusText)
    /// * `data`: body of your request
    ajax: function(options) {
        var doneCb = function(){};
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.open(options.method || 'POST', options.url, true);
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function(/*event*/) {
            try {
                if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                    if (xhr.status === 200) {
                        store.utils.callExternal('ajax.success', options.success, JSON.parse(xhr.responseText));
                    else {
                        store.log.warn("ajax -> request to " + options.url + " failed with status " + xhr.status + " (" + xhr.statusText + ")");
                        store.utils.callExternal('ajax.error', options.error, xhr.status, xhr.statusText);
            catch (e) {
                store.log.warn("ajax -> request to " + options.url + " failed with an exception: " + e.message);
                if (options.error) options.error(417, e.message);
            if (xhr.readyState === 4)
                store.utils.callExternal('ajax.done', doneCb);
        xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        store.log.debug('ajax -> send request to ' + options.url);
        if (options.data) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
        else {
        return {
            done: function(cb) { doneCb = cb; return this; }

    /// ### store.utils.uuidv4()
    /// Returns an UUID v4. Uses `window.crypto` internally to generate random values.
    uuidv4: function () {
        return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, function (c) {
            return (c ^ (window.crypto || window.msCrypto).getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16);

    // from underscore.js
    delay: restArguments(function(func, wait, args) {
        return window.setTimeout(function() {
            return func.apply(null, args);
        }, wait);
    // from underscore.js
    debounce: function(func, wait, immediate) {
        var timeout, result;
        var later = function(context, args) {
            timeout = null;
            if (args) result = func.apply(context, args);
        var debounced = restArguments(function(args) {
            if (timeout) window.clearTimeout(timeout);
            timeout = store.utils.delay(later, wait, this, args);
            return result;
        return debounced;

// from underscore.js (License MIT)
// https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore
function restArguments(func, startIndex) {
    startIndex = startIndex == null ? func.length - 1 : +startIndex;
    return function() {
        var length = Math.max(arguments.length - startIndex, 0),
        rest = Array(length),
        index = 0;
        for (; index < length; index++) {
            rest[index] = arguments[index + startIndex];
        switch (startIndex) {
            case 0: return func.call(this, rest);
            case 1: return func.call(this, arguments[0], rest);
            case 2: return func.call(this, arguments[0], arguments[1], rest);
        var args = Array(startIndex + 1);
        for (index = 0; index < startIndex; index++) {
            args[index] = arguments[index];
        args[startIndex] = rest;
        return func.apply(this, args);

// Add a polyfill for Object.assign in case it isn't supported (which is the case
// on Android < 4.4), see https://github.com/auth0/auth0-cordova/issues/46 for reference
if (typeof Object.assign != 'function') {
    Object.assign = function (target, varArgs) {
        'use strict';
        if (target == null) {
            throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
        var to = Object(target);
        for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
            var nextSource = arguments[index];

            if (nextSource != null) {
                for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
                    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(nextSource, nextKey)) {
                        to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
        return to;

store.version = '10.5.3';
 * A plugin to enable iOS In-App Purchases.
 * Copyright (c) Matt Kane 2011
 * Copyright (c) Guillaume Charhon 2012
 * Copyright (c) Jean-Christophe Hoelt 2013

/*eslint camelcase:0 */
/*global cordova, window */

var noop = function () {};

var log = noop;

var exec = function (methodName, options, success, error) {
    cordova.exec(success, error, "InAppPurchase", methodName, options);

var protectCall = function (callback, context) {
    if (!callback) {
    try {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
        callback.apply(this, args);
    catch (err) {
        log('exception in ' + context + ': "' + err + '"');

var InAppPurchase = function () {
    this.options = {};

    this.transactionForProduct = {};
    if (window.localStorage && window.localStorage.sk_transactionForProduct)
        this.transactionForProduct = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.sk_transactionForProduct);

    // Remove support for receipt.forTransaction(...)
    // `appStoreReceipt` is now the only supported receipt format on iOS (drops support for iOS <= 6)
    if (window.localStorage.sk_receiptForTransaction)
        delete window.localStorage.sk_receiptForTransaction;

var initialized = false;

InAppPurchase.prototype.init = function (options, success, error) {
    this.options = {
        error:    options.error    || noop,
        ready:    options.ready    || noop,
        purchase: options.purchase || noop,
        purchaseEnqueued: options.purchaseEnqueued || noop,
        purchasing: options.purchasing || noop,
        deferred: options.deferred || noop,
        finish:   options.finish   || noop,
        restore:  options.restore  || noop,
        receiptsRefreshed: options.receiptsRefreshed || noop,
        restoreFailed:     options.restoreFailed    || noop,
        restoreCompleted:  options.restoreCompleted || noop,
        downloadActive:  options.downloadActive || noop,
        downloadCancelled:  options.downloadCancelled || noop,
        downloadFailed:  options.downloadFailed || noop,
        downloadFinished:  options.downloadFinished || noop,
        downloadPaused:  options.downloadPaused || noop,
        downloadWaiting:  options.downloadWaiting || noop

    if (options.debug) {
        exec('debug', [], noop, noop);
        log = function (msg) {
            console.log("InAppPurchase[js]: " + msg);

    if (options.autoFinish) {
        exec('autoFinish', [], noop, noop);

    if (options.disableHostedContent) {
        exec('disableHostedContent', [], noop, noop);

    var that = this;
    var setupOk = function () {
        log('setup ok');
        protectCall(that.options.ready, 'options.ready');
        protectCall(success, 'init.success');
        initialized = true;

        // Is there a reason why we wouldn't like to do this automatically?
        // YES! it does ask the user for his password.
        // that.restore();
    var setupFailed = function () {
        log('setup failed');
        protectCall(options.error, 'options.error', store.ERR_SETUP, 'Setup failed');
        protectCall(error, 'init.error');

    exec('setup', [], setupOk, setupFailed);

 * Makes an in-app purchase.
 * @param {String} productId The product identifier. e.g. "com.example.MyApp.myproduct"
 * @param {int} quantity Quantity of product to purchase
InAppPurchase.prototype.purchase = function (productId, quantity, applicationUsername, discount) {
    quantity = quantity | 0 || 1;
    var options = this.options;

    // Many people forget to load information about their products from apple's servers before allowing
    // users to purchase them... leading them to spam us with useless issues and comments.
    // Let's chase them down!
    if (!InAppPurchase._productIds || InAppPurchase._productIds.indexOf(productId) < 0) {
        var msg = 'Purchasing ' + productId + ' failed.  Ensure the product was loaded first with storekit.load(...)!';
        if (typeof options.error === 'function') {
            protectCall(options.error, 'options.error', store.ERR_PURCHASE, 'Trying to purchase a unknown product.', productId, quantity);

    var purchaseOk = function () {
        log('Purchased ' + productId);
        if (typeof options.purchaseEnqueued === 'function') {
            protectCall(options.purchaseEnqueued, 'options.purchaseEnqueued', productId, quantity);
    var purchaseFailed = function () {
        var errmsg = 'Purchasing ' + productId + ' failed';
        if (typeof options.error === 'function') {
            protectCall(options.error, 'options.error', store.ERR_PURCHASE, errmsg, productId, quantity);
    exec('purchase', [productId, quantity, applicationUsername, discount || {}], purchaseOk, purchaseFailed);

 * Checks if device/user is allowed to make in-app purchases
InAppPurchase.prototype.canMakePayments = function(success, error){
    return exec("canMakePayments", [], success, error);

 * Asks the payment queue to restore previously completed purchases.
 * The restored transactions are passed to the onRestored callback, so make sure you define a handler for that first.
InAppPurchase.prototype.restore = function() {
    this.needRestoreNotification = true;
    exec('restoreCompletedTransactions', []);

InAppPurchase.prototype.manageSubscriptions = function () {
    exec('manageSubscriptions', []);

InAppPurchase.prototype.manageBilling = function () {
    exec('manageBilling', []);

InAppPurchase.prototype.presentCodeRedemptionSheet = function () {
    exec('presentCodeRedemptionSheet', []);

 * Requests all active downloads be paused
InAppPurchase.prototype.pause = function() {
    var ok = function() {
        log("Paused active downloads");
        if (typeof this.options.paused === "function") {
            protectCall(this.options.paused, "options.paused");
    var failed = function() {
        var errmsg = "Pausing active downloads failed";
        if (typeof this.options.error === "function") {
            protectCall(this.options.error, "options.error", store.ERR_DOWNLOAD, errmsg);
    return exec('pause', [], ok, failed);

 * Requests all paused active downloads be resumed
InAppPurchase.prototype.resume = function() {
    var ok = function() {
        log("Resumed active downloads");
        if (typeof this.options.resumed === "function") {
            protectCall(this.options.resumed, "options.resumed");
    var failed = function() {
        var errmsg = "Resuming active downloads failed";
        if (typeof this.options.error === "function") {
            protectCall(this.options.error, "options.error", store.ERR_DOWNLOAD, errmsg);
    return exec('resume', [], ok, failed);

 * Requests all active downloads be cancelled
InAppPurchase.prototype.cancel = function() {
    var ok = function() {
        log("Cancelled active downloads");
        if (typeof this.options.cancelled === "function") {
            protectCall(this.options.cancelled, "options.cancelled");
    var failed = function() {
        var errmsg = "Cancelling active downloads failed";
        if (typeof this.options.error === "function") {
            protectCall(this.options.error, "options.error", store.ERR_DOWNLOAD, errmsg);
    return exec('cancel', [], ok, failed);

 * Retrieves localized product data, including price (as localized
 * string), name, description of multiple products.
 * @param {Array} productIds
 *   An array of product identifier strings.
 * @param {Function} callback
 *   Called once with the result of the products request. Signature:
 *     function(validProducts, invalidProductIds)
 *   where validProducts receives an array of objects of the form:
 *     {
 *       id: "<productId>",
 *       title: "<localised title>",
 *       description: "<localised escription>",
 *       price: "<localised price>"
 *     }
 *  and invalidProductIds receives an array of product identifier
 *  strings which were rejected by the app store.
InAppPurchase.prototype.load = function (productIds, success, error) {
    var options = this.options;
    if (typeof productIds === "string") {
        productIds = [productIds];
    if (!productIds) {
        // Empty array, nothing to do.
        protectCall(success, 'load.success', [], []);
    else if (!productIds.length) {
        // Empty array, nothing to do.
        protectCall(success, 'load.success', [], []);
    else {
        if (typeof productIds[0] !== 'string') {
            var msg = 'invalid productIds given to store.load: ' + JSON.stringify(productIds);
            protectCall(options.error, 'options.error', store.ERR_LOAD, msg);
            protectCall(error, 'load.error', store.ERR_LOAD, msg);
        log('load ' + JSON.stringify(productIds));

        var loadOk = function (array) {
            var valid = array[0];
            var invalid = array[1];
            log('load ok: { valid:' + JSON.stringify(valid) + ' invalid:' + JSON.stringify(invalid) + ' }');
            protectCall(success, 'load.success', valid, invalid);
        var loadFailed = function (errMessage) {
            log('load failed');
            var message = 'Load failed: ' + errMessage;
            protectCall(options.error, 'options.error', store.ERR_LOAD, message);
            protectCall(error, 'load.error', store.ERR_LOAD, message);

        InAppPurchase._productIds = productIds;
        exec('load', [productIds], loadOk, loadFailed);

InAppPurchase.prototype.finish = function (transactionId) {
    exec('finishTransaction', [transactionId], noop, noop);

var pendingUpdates = [], pendingDownloadUpdates = [];
InAppPurchase.prototype.processPendingUpdates = function() {
    for (var i = 0; i < pendingUpdates.length; ++i) {
        this.updatedTransactionCallback.apply(this, pendingUpdates[i]);
    pendingUpdates = [];

    for (var j = 0; j < pendingDownloadUpdates.length; ++j) {
        this.updatedDownloadCallback.apply(this, pendingDownloadUpdates[j]);
    pendingDownloadUpdates = [];

// This is called from native.
// Note that it may eventually be called before initialization... unfortunately.
// In this case, we'll just keep pending updates in a list for later processing.
InAppPurchase.prototype.updatedTransactionCallback = function (state, errorCode, errorText, transactionIdentifier, productId, transactionReceipt, originalTransactionIdentifier) {

    if (!initialized) {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

    if (productId && transactionIdentifier) {
        log("product " + productId + " has a transaction in progress: " + transactionIdentifier);
        this.transactionForProduct[productId] = transactionIdentifier;

    switch(state) {
        case "PaymentTransactionStatePurchasing":
            protectCall(this.options.purchasing, 'options.purchasing', productId);
        case "PaymentTransactionStatePurchased":
            protectCall(this.options.purchase, 'options.purchase', transactionIdentifier, productId, originalTransactionIdentifier);
        case "PaymentTransactionStateDeferred":
            protectCall(this.options.deferred, 'options.deferred', productId);
        case "PaymentTransactionStateFailed":
            protectCall(this.options.error, 'options.error', errorCode, errorText, {
                productId: productId
        case "PaymentTransactionStateRestored":
            protectCall(this.options.restore, 'options.restore', transactionIdentifier, productId);
        case "PaymentTransactionStateFinished":
            protectCall(this.options.finish, 'options.finish', transactionIdentifier, productId);

InAppPurchase.prototype.updatedDownloadCallback = function(state, errorCode, errorText, transactionIdentifier, productId, transactionReceipt, progress, timeRemaining) {
    if (!initialized) {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
    switch (state) {
        case "DownloadStateActive":
            protectCall(this.options.downloadActive, "options.downloadActive", transactionIdentifier, productId, progress, timeRemaining);

        case "DownloadStateCancelled":
            protectCall(this.options.downloadCancelled, "options.downloadCancelled", transactionIdentifier, productId);

        case "DownloadStateFailed":
            protectCall(this.options.downloadFailed, "options.downloadFailed", transactionIdentifier, productId, errorCode, errorText);

        case "DownloadStateFinished":
            protectCall(this.options.downloadFinished, "options.downloadFinished", transactionIdentifier, productId);

        case "DownloadStatePaused":
            protectCall(this.options.downloadPaused, "options.downloadPaused", transactionIdentifier, productId);

        case "DownloadStateWaiting":
            protectCall(this.options.downloadWaiting, "options.downloadWaiting", transactionIdentifier, productId);

InAppPurchase.prototype.restoreCompletedTransactionsFinished = function () {
    if (this.needRestoreNotification)
        delete this.needRestoreNotification;
    protectCall(this.options.restoreCompleted, 'options.restoreCompleted');

InAppPurchase.prototype.restoreCompletedTransactionsFailed = function (errorCode) {
    if (this.needRestoreNotification)
        delete this.needRestoreNotification;
    protectCall(this.options.restoreFailed, 'options.restoreFailed', errorCode);

function parseReceiptArgs(args) {
    var base64 = args[0];
    var bundleIdentifier = args[1];
    var bundleShortVersion = args[2];
    var bundleNumericVersion = args[3];
    var bundleSignature = args[4];
    log('infoPlist: ' + bundleIdentifier + "," + bundleShortVersion + "," + bundleNumericVersion  + "," + bundleSignature);
    return {
        appStoreReceipt: base64,
        bundleIdentifier: bundleIdentifier,
        bundleShortVersion: bundleShortVersion,
        bundleNumericVersion: bundleNumericVersion,
        bundleSignature: bundleSignature

InAppPurchase.prototype.refreshReceipts = function(successCb, errorCb) {
    var that = this;

    var loaded = function (args) {
        var data = parseReceiptArgs(args);
        that.appStoreReceipt = data.appStoreReceipt;
        protectCall(that.options.receiptsRefreshed, 'options.receiptsRefreshed', data);
        protectCall(successCb, "refreshReceipts.success", data);

    var error = function(errMessage) {
        log('refresh receipt failed: ' + errMessage);
        protectCall(that.options.error, 'options.error', store.ERR_REFRESH_RECEIPTS, 'Failed to refresh receipt: ' + errMessage);
        protectCall(errorCb, "refreshReceipts.error", store.ERR_REFRESH_RECEIPTS, 'Failed to refresh receipt: ' + errMessage);

    this.appStoreReceipt = null;
    log('refreshing appStoreReceipt');
    exec('appStoreRefreshReceipt', [], loaded, error);

InAppPurchase.prototype.loadReceipts = function (callback, errorCb) {

    var that = this;
    var data;

    var loaded = function (args) {
        data = parseReceiptArgs(args);
        that.appStoreReceipt = data.appStoreReceipt;

    var error = function (errMessage) {
        log('load failed: ' + errMessage);
        protectCall(that.options.error, 'options.error', store.ERR_LOAD_RECEIPTS, 'Failed to load receipt: ' + errMessage);
        protectCall(errorCb, 'loadReceipts.error', store.ERR_LOAD_RECEIPTS, 'Failed to load receipt: ' + errMessage);

    function callCallback() {
        protectCall(callback, 'loadReceipts.callback', data);

    log('loading appStoreReceipt');
    exec('appStoreReceipt', [], loaded, error);

 * This queue stuff is here because we may be sent events before listeners have been registered. This is because if we have
 * incomplete transactions when we quit, the app will try to run these when we resume. If we don't register to receive these
 * right away then they may be missed. As soon as a callback has been registered then it will be sent any events waiting
 * in the queue.
InAppPurchase.prototype.runQueue = function () {
    if(!this.eventQueue.length || !this.onPurchased && !this.onFailed && !this.onRestored) {
    var args;
    /* We can't work directly on the queue, because we're pushing new elements onto it */
    var queue = this.eventQueue.slice();
    this.eventQueue = [];
    args = queue.shift();
    while (args) {
        this.updatedTransactionCallback.apply(this, args);
        args = queue.shift();
    if (!this.eventQueue.length) {

InAppPurchase.prototype.watchQueue = function () {
    if (this.timer) {
    this.timer = window.setInterval(function () {
    }, 10000);

InAppPurchase.prototype.unWatchQueue = function () {
    if (this.timer) {
        this.timer = null;

InAppPurchase.prototype.eventQueue = [];
InAppPurchase.prototype.timer = null;

window.storekit = new InAppPurchase();
/*global storekit */
(function() {

//! ## Reacting to product state changes
//! The iOS implementation monitors products changes of state to trigger
//! `storekit` operations.
//! Please refer to the [product life-cycle section](api.md#life-cycle) of the documentation
//! for better understanding of the job of this event handlers.

//! #### initialize storekit
//! At first refresh, initialize the storekit API. See [`storekitInit()`](#storekitInit) for details.
store.when("refreshed", function() {
    storekitInit(); // try to init if needed
    storekitLoad(); // try to load if needed

//! #### initiate a purchase
//! When a product enters the store.REQUESTED state, initiate a purchase with `storekit`.
store.when("requested", function(product) {
    store.ready(function() {
        if (!product) {
                code: store.ERR_INVALID_PRODUCT_ID,
                message: "Trying to order an unknown product"
        if (!product.valid) {
            product.trigger("error", [new store.Error({
                code: store.ERR_PURCHASE,
                message: "`purchase()` called with an invalid product"
            }), product]);
        var a = product.additionalData || {};
        var applicationUsername = a.applicationUsername || store.getApplicationUsername(product);
        var hashedUsername = applicationUsername ? store.utils.md5(applicationUsername) : '';
        storekit.purchase(product.id, 1, hashedUsername, a.discount);

//! #### finish a purchase
//! When a product enters the store.FINISHED state, `finish()` the storekit transaction.
store.when("finished", function(product) {
    store.log.debug("ios -> finishing " + product.id + " (a " + product.type + ")");
    if (product.type !== store.APPLICATION) {
    if (product.type === store.CONSUMABLE || product.type === store.NON_RENEWING_SUBSCRIPTION || product.expired) {
        product.set("state", store.VALID);
        setOwned(product.id, false);
    else {
        product.set("state", store.OWNED);

function storekitFinish(product) {
    if (product.type === store.CONSUMABLE || product.type === store.NON_RENEWING_SUBSCRIPTION) {
        var transactionId = product.transaction && product.transaction.id || storekit.transactionForProduct[product.id];
        if (transactionId) {
            // TH 08/03/2016: Remove the finished transaction from product.transactions.
            // Previously didn't clear transactions for these product types on finish.
            // storekitPurchased suppresses approved events for transactions in product.transactions,
            // so this prevented the approved event from firing when re-purchasing a product for which finish failed.
            if (product.transactions) {
                var idx = product.transactions.indexOf(transactionId);
                if (idx >= 0) product.transactions.splice(idx, 1);
        else {
            store.log.debug("ios -> error: unable to find transaction for " + product.id);
    else if (product.transactions) {
        store.log.debug("ios -> finishing all " + product.transactions.length + " transactions for " + product.id);
        for (var i = 0; i < product.transactions.length; ++i) {
            store.log.debug("ios -> finishing " + product.transactions[i]);
        product.transactions = [];

//! #### persist ownership
//! `storekit` doesn't provide a way to know which products have been purchases.
//! That is why we have to handle that ourselves, by storing the `OWNED` status of a product.
//! Note that, until Apple provides a mean to get notified to refunds, there's no way back.
//! A non-consumable product, once `OWNED` always will be.
//! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6429186/can-we-check-if-a-users-in-app-purchase-has-been-refunded-by-apple
store.when("owned", function(product) {
    if (!isOwned(product.id))
        setOwned(product.id, true);

//! #### persist downloaded status
//! `storekit` doesn't provide a way to know which products have been downloaded.
//! That is why we have to handle that ourselves, by storing the `DOWNLOADED` status of a product.
//! A non-consumable product, once `OWNED` can always be re-downloaded for free.
store.when("downloaded", function(product) {
    if (!isDownloaded(product.id))
        setDownloaded(product.id, true);

store.when("registered", function(product) {
    var owned = isOwned(product.id);
    product.owned = product.owned || owned;

    var downloaded = isDownloaded(product.id);
    product.downloaded = product.downloaded || downloaded;

    store.log.debug("ios -> product " + product.id + " registered" + (owned ? " and owned" : "") + (downloaded ? " and downloaded" : ""));

store.when("expired", function(product) {
    store.log.debug("ios -> product " + product.id + " expired");
    product.owned = false;
    setOwned(product.id, false);
    setDownloaded(product.id, false);
    if (product.state === store.OWNED || product.state === store.APPROVED)
        product.set("state", store.VALID);

//! ## Initialization

var initialized = false;
var initializing = false;
function storekitInit() {
    if (initialized || initializing) return;
    initializing = true;
    store.log.debug("ios -> initializing storekit");
        debug:    store.verbosity >= store.DEBUG ? true : false,
        autoFinish: store.autoFinishTransactions,
        disableHostedContent: store.disableHostedContent,
        error:    storekitError,
        purchase: storekitPurchased,
        purchasing: storekitPurchasing,
        deferred: storekitDeferred,
        restore:    storekitRestored,
        restoreCompleted: storekitRestoreCompleted,
        restoreFailed:    storekitRestoreFailed,
        downloadActive:  storekitDownloadActive,
        downloadFailed:  storekitDownloadFailed,
        downloadFinished:  storekitDownloadFinished
    }, storekitReady, storekitInitFailed);

//! ## *storekit* events handlers

//! ### <a name="storekitReady"></a> *storekitReady()*
//! Called when `storekit` has been initialized successfully.
//! Loads all registered products, triggers `storekitLoaded()` when done.
function storekitReady() {
    store.log.info("ios -> storekit ready");
    initializing = false;
    initialized = true;

function storekitInitFailed() {
    store.log.warn("ios -> storekit init failed");
    initializing = false;

var loaded = false;
var loading = false;
function storekitLoad() {
    if (!initialized) return;
    if (loaded || loading) return;
    loading = true;
    var products = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < store.products.length; ++i)
    store.log.debug("ios -> loading products");
    storekit.load(products, storekitLoaded, storekitLoadFailed);

function updateValidProducts(validProducts) {
    var p;
    for (var i = 0; i < validProducts.length; ++i) {
        p = store.products.byId[validProducts[i].id];
        var v = validProducts[i];
            title: v.title,
            description: v.description,
            price: v.price,
            priceMicros: v.priceMicros,
            currency: v.currency,
            countryCode: v.countryCode,
            introPrice: v.introPrice,
            introPriceMicros: v.introPriceMicros,
            introPriceNumberOfPeriods: v.introPriceNumberOfPeriods,
            introPriceSubscriptionPeriod: v.introPriceSubscriptionPeriod,
            introPricePeriod: v.introPricePeriod,
            introPricePeriodUnit: v.introPricePeriodUnit,
            introPricePaymentMode: v.introPricePaymentMode,
            billingPeriod: v.billingPeriod,
            billingPeriodUnit: v.billingPeriodUnit,
            discounts: v.discounts,
            group: v.group,

//! ### <a name="storekitLoaded"></a> *storekitLoaded()*
//! Update the `store`'s product definitions when they have been loaded.
//!  1. Set the products state to `VALID` or `INVALID`
//!  2. Trigger the "loaded" event
//!  3. Set the products state to `OWNED` (if it is so)
//!  4. Set the store status to "ready".
function storekitLoaded(validProducts, invalidProductIds) {
    store.log.debug("ios -> products loaded");
    var p;
    for (var i = 0; i < validProducts.length; ++i) {
        p = store.products.byId[validProducts[i].id];
        store.log.debug("ios -> product " + p.id + " is valid (" + p.alias + ")");
        store.log.debug("ios -> owned? " + p.owned);
        p.set("state", store.VALID);
        if (isOwned(p.id)) {
            if (p.type === store.NON_CONSUMABLE)
                p.set("state", store.OWNED);
            else // recheck subscriptions at each application start
                p.set("state", store.APPROVED);
    for (var j = 0; j < invalidProductIds.length; ++j) {
        p = store.products.byId[invalidProductIds[j]];
        p.set("state", store.INVALID);
        store.log.warn("ios -> product " + p.id + " is NOT valid (" + p.alias + ")");

    //! Note: the execution of "ready" is deferred to make sure state
    //! changes have been processed.
    setTimeout(function() {
        loading = false;
        loaded = true;
        var ready = function() {
        store.update(ready, ready, true);
    }, 1);

function storekitLoadFailed() {
    store.log.warn("ios -> loading products failed");
    loading = false;

var refreshCallbacks = [];
var refreshing = false;
function storekitRefreshReceipts(callback) {
    if (callback)
    if (refreshing)
    refreshing = true;

    function callCallbacks() {
        var callbacks = refreshCallbacks;
        refreshCallbacks = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; ++i)

    storekit.refreshReceipts(function() {
        // success
        refreshing = false;
    function() {
        // error
        refreshing = false;

// The better default is now for validation services to use the
// `latest_receipt_info` field.
// store.when("expired", function() {
//     storekitRefreshReceipts();
// });

//! ### <a name="storekitPurchasing"></a> *storekitPurchasing()*
//! Called by `storekit` when a purchase is in progress.
//! It will set the product state to `INITIATED`.
function storekitPurchasing(productId) {
    store.log.debug("ios -> is purchasing " + productId);
    store.ready(function() {
        var product = store.get(productId);
        if (!product) {
            store.log.warn("ios -> Product '" + productId + "' is being purchased. But isn't registered anymore! How come?");
        if (product.state !== store.INITIATED)
            product.set("state", store.INITIATED);
        // storekit.refreshReceipts(); // We've asked for user password already anyway.

//! ### <a name="storekitPurchased"></a> *storekitPurchased()*
//! Called by `storekit` when a purchase have been approved.
//! It will set the product state to `APPROVED` and associates the product
//! with the order's transaction identifier.
function storekitPurchased(transactionId, productId, originalTransactionId) {
    store.ready(function() {
        var product = store.get(productId);
        if (!product) {
                code: store.ERR_PURCHASE,
                message: "The purchase queue contains unknown product " + productId

        // Let's load the receipt in all cases (some people do receipt validation with their own logic)
        storekit.loadReceipts(function(data) {
            var appStoreReceipt = data && data.appStoreReceipt || undefined;
            if (product.transaction)
                product.transaction.appStoreReceipt = appStoreReceipt;

            // Check if processing of this transaction isn't already in progress
            // Exit if so.
            if (product.transactions) {
                for (var i = 0; i < product.transactions.length; ++i) {
                    if (transactionId === product.transactions[i])

            product.transaction = {
                type: 'ios-appstore',
                id:   transactionId,
                appStoreReceipt: appStoreReceipt
                product.transaction.original_transaction_id = originalTransactionId;
            if (!product.transactions)
                product.transactions = [];
            store.log.info("ios -> transaction " + transactionId + " purchased (" + product.transactions.length + " in the queue for " + productId + ")");
            product.set("state", store.APPROVED);

//! ### <a name="storekitDeferred"></a> *storekitDeferred()*
//! Called by `storekit` when a purchase is deferred.
//! It will set the product state to `INITIATED` and product.deferred to true.
function storekitDeferred(productId) {
    store.log.debug("ios -> purchase deferred " + productId);
    store.ready(function() {
        var product = store.get(productId);
        if (!product) {
            store.log.warn("ios -> Product '" + productId + "' purchase deferred. But this product is not registered anymore! How come?");
        if (product.state !== store.INITIATED)
            product.set("state", store.INITIATED);
        product.set("deferred", true);

//! ### <a name="storekitError"></a> *storekitError()*
//! Called by `storekit` when an error happens in the storekit API.
//! Will convert storekit errors to a [`store.Error`](api.md/#errors).
function storekitError(errorCode, errorText, options) {

    var i, p;

    if (!options)
        options = {};

    store.log.error('ios -> ERROR ' + errorCode + ': ' + errorText + ' - ' + JSON.stringify(options));

    // when loading failed, trigger "error" for each of
    // the registered products.
    if (errorCode === store.ERR_LOAD) {
        for (i = 0; i < store.products.length; ++i) {
            p = store.products[i];
            p.trigger("error", [new store.Error({
                code: store.ERR_LOAD,
                message: errorText
            }), p]);

    // a purchase was cancelled by the user:
    // - trigger the "cancelled" event
    // - set the product back to its original state
    if (errorCode === store.ERR_PAYMENT_CANCELLED) {
        p = store.get(options.productId);
        if (p) {
            // p.set({
            //     transaction: null,
            //     state: store.VALID
            // });
        // but a cancelled order isn't an error.

    // TH 08/03/2016: Treat errors like cancellations:
    // - trigger the "error" event on the associated product
    // - set the product back to the VALID state
    // This makes it possible to know which product raised an error (previously, errors only fired on the global error listener, which obscures product id).
    // It also seems more consistent with the documented API. See https://github.com/j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase/blob/master/doc/api.md#events and https://github.com/j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase/blob/master/doc/api.md#notes
    p = store.get(options.productId);
    if (p) {
        p.trigger("error", [new store.Error({
            code:    errorCode,
            message: errorText
        }), p]);
        // p.set({
        //     transaction: null,
        //     state: store.VALID
        // });

        code:    errorCode,
        message: errorText

store.manageSubscriptions = function() {

store.manageBilling = function() {

/// store.redeemCode({ type: 'subscription_offer_code' });
store.redeem = function() {
    // By default, we call presentCodeRedemptionSheet.
    // This is the only supported option at the moment.
    // options might be used if multiple types of offer codes are available.
    // options = options || {};
    // if (options.type == 'offer code')
    return storekit.presentCodeRedemptionSheet();

// Restore purchases.
// store.restore = function() {
// };
store.when("re-refreshed", function() {
    storekit.refreshReceipts(function(obj) {

// Create a product whose ID equals the application bundle ID.
// Use it to force a validation of the appStoreReceipt.
function storekitSetAppProductFromReceipt(data) {
    if (data) {
        var p = data.bundleIdentifier ? store.get(data.bundleIdentifier) : null;
        if (!p) {
            p = new store.Product({
                id:    data.bundleIdentifier || "_",
                alias: store.APPLICATION,
                type:  store.APPLICATION,
            p.title = 'Application Bundle';
        p.transaction = {
            type: 'ios-appstore',
            appStoreReceipt: data.appStoreReceipt,
            signature: data.signature
        p.version = data.bundleShortVersion;
        if (p.state !== store.OWNED && p.state !== store.APPROVED) {
            p.set('state', store.APPROVED);
        return p;

function syncWithAppStoreReceipt(appStoreReceipt) {
    if (!appStoreReceipt)
    var lastTransactions = {};
    var isSubscriber = false;
    var usedIntroOffer = false;
    if (appStoreReceipt && appStoreReceipt.in_app && appStoreReceipt.in_app.forEach) {
        appStoreReceipt.in_app.forEach(function(transaction) {
            var existing = lastTransactions[transaction.product_id];
            if (existing && +existing.purchase_date_ms < +transaction.purchase_date_ms) {
                lastTransactions[transaction.product_id] = transaction;
    Object.values(lastTransactions).forEach(function(transaction) {
        if (transaction.expires_date_ms) {
            isSubscriber = true;
        if (transaction.is_in_intro_offer_period === 'true') {
            usedIntroOffer = true;
        var p = store.get(transaction.product_id);
        if (!p) return;
        transaction.type = 'ios-appstore';
        store._extractTransactionFields(p, transaction);
    store.products.forEach(function(product) {
        if (product.type === store.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION) {
            if (isSubscriber && product.discounts) {
                product.discounts.forEach(function(discount) {
                    discount.eligible = true;
            if (usedIntroOffer) {
                product.set('ineligibleForIntroPrice', true);

function storekitRestored(originalTransactionId, productId) {
    store.log.info("ios -> restored purchase " + productId);
    storekitPurchased(originalTransactionId, productId);

function storekitRestoreCompleted() {
    store.log.info("ios -> restore completed");

function storekitRestoreFailed(errorCode) {
    store.log.warn("ios -> restore failed with code:" + errorCode);

    // expected error codes:
    // ---
    // store.ERR_CLIENT_INVALID      = ERROR_CODES_BASE + 5; // Client is not allowed to issue the request.
    // store.ERR_PAYMENT_CANCELLED   = ERROR_CODES_BASE + 6; // User cancelled the request.
    // store.ERR_PAYMENT_INVALID     = ERROR_CODES_BASE + 7; // Purchase identifier was invalid.
    // store.ERR_PAYMENT_NOT_ALLOWED = ERROR_CODES_BASE + 8; // This device is not allowed to make the payment
    // store.ERR_UNKNOWN             = ERROR_CODES_BASE + 10;

        code: store.ERR_REFRESH,
        message: "Failed to restore purchases during refresh (" + errorCode + ")"
    if (errorCode === store.ERR_PAYMENT_CANCELLED)

function storekitDownloadActive(transactionIdentifier, productId, progress, timeRemaining) {
    store.log.info("ios -> is downloading " + productId + "; progress=" + progress + "%; timeRemaining=" + timeRemaining + "s");
    var p = store.get(productId);
        progress: progress,
        timeRemaining: timeRemaining,
        state: store.DOWNLOADING
function storekitDownloadFailed(transactionIdentifier, productId, errorCode, errorText) {
    store.log.error("ios -> download failed: " + productId + "; errorCode=" + errorCode + "; errorText=" + errorText);
    var p = store.get(productId);
    p.trigger("error", [ new store.Error({
        code: store.ERR_DOWNLOAD,
        message: errorText
    }), p ]);

        code: errorCode,
        message: errorText
function storekitDownloadFinished(transactionIdentifier, productId) {
    store.log.info("ios -> download completed: " + productId);
    var p = store.get(productId);
    p.set("state", store.DOWNLOADED);

store._refreshForValidation = function(callback) {

var triggerLoadReceiptsError = store.utils.debounce(function() {
    store.error(new store.Error({
        code: store.ERR_LOAD_RECEIPTS,
        message: "Cannot validate purchases." +
            " Ask user to perform to restore purchases (you call store.refresh())." +
            " This will probably ask user to enter appStore password."
}, 300);

// Load receipts required by server-side validation of purchases.
store._prepareForValidation = function(product, callback) {
    var nRetry = 0;
    function loadReceipts() {
        storekit.loadReceipts(function(data) {
            if (!product.transaction) {
                product.transaction = {
                    type: 'ios-appstore'
            product.transaction.appStoreReceipt = data.appStoreReceipt;
            if (!product.transaction.appStoreReceipt) {
                nRetry ++;
                if (nRetry < 2) {
                    setTimeout(loadReceipts, 500);
                else if (nRetry === 2) {
                    // Fail and ask user to do "Restore Purchases"

store.update = function(successCb, errorCb, skipLoad) {
    if (!skipLoad) {
        storekit.load(store.products.map(function(p) { return p.id; }), updateValidProducts);
    storekit.loadReceipts(function(data) {
        if (data && data.appStoreReceipt) {
            var p = storekitSetAppProductFromReceipt(data);
            if (p) {
                store.once(p.id, 'verified', onVerified);
                store.once(p.id, 'unverified', onUnverified);
                p.set("state", store.APPROVED);
        if (errorCb) {
            errorCb(store.ERR_LOAD_RECEIPTS, 'No appStoreReceipt, Call store.refresh()');

        function onVerified() {
            if (successCb) {
        function onUnverified() {
            if (errorCb) {
                errorCb(store.ERR_VERIFICATION_FAILED, 'Invalid appStoreReceipt');
    }, errorCb);

setInterval(function() {
    var now = +new Date();
    // finds a product that is both owned and expired more than 1 minute ago
    // but less that 1h ago (it's only meant for detecting interactive renewals)
    var expired = store.products.find(function(product) {
        var ONE_MINUTE = 60000;
        var ONE_HOUR = 3600000;
        return product.owned &&
            (now > +product.expiryDate + ONE_MINUTE) &&
            (now < +product.expiryDate + ONE_HOUR);
    // if one is found, refresh purchases using the validator (if setup)
    if (expired) {
}, 60000);

//! ## Persistance of the *OWNED* status

//! #### *isOwned(productId)*
//! return true iff the product with given ID has been purchased and finished
//! during this or a previous execution of the application.
function isOwned(productId) {
    return localStorage["__cc_fovea_store_ios_owned_ " + productId] === '1';

//! #### *setOwned(productId, value)*
//! store the boolean OWNED status of a given product.
function setOwned(productId, value) {
    store.log.debug("ios -> product " + productId + " owned=" + (value ? "true" : "false"));
    localStorage["__cc_fovea_store_ios_owned_ " + productId] = value ? '1' : '0';

//! ## Persistance of the *DOWNLOADED* status

//! #### *isDownloaded(productId)*
//! return true if the product with given ID has been purchased and finished downloading
//! during this or a previous execution of the application.
    function isDownloaded(productId) {
        return localStorage["__cc_fovea_store_ios_downloaded_ " + productId] === '1';

//! #### *setDownloaded(productId, value)*
//! store the boolean DOWNLOADED status of a given product.
    function setDownloaded(productId, value) {
        localStorage["__cc_fovea_store_ios_downloaded_ " + productId] = value ? '1' : '0';

//! ## Retry failed requests
//! When setup and/or load failed, the plugin will retry over and over till it can connect
//! to the store.
//! However, to be nice with the battery, it'll double the retry timeout each time.
//! Special case, when the device goes online, it'll trigger all retry callback in the queue.
var retryTimeout = 5000;
var retries = [];
function retry(fn) {

    var tid = setTimeout(function() {
        retries = retries.filter(function(o) {
            return tid !== o.tid;
    }, retryTimeout);

    retries.push({ tid: tid, fn: fn });

    retryTimeout *= 2;
    // Max out the waiting time to 2 minutes.
    if (retryTimeout > 120000)
        retryTimeout = 120000;

document.addEventListener("online", function() {
    var a = retries;
    retries = [];
    retryTimeout = 5000;
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
}, false);


store.platform = 'apple';
module.exports = store;
