j3k0 / cordova-plugin-openwith

Get your Cordova App in the O.S. "Share" menu on iOS and Android
MIT License
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Share URL, decode the base64 and the result is badly encoded data that cannot be read #117

Open j-d-carmichael opened 3 years ago

j-d-carmichael commented 3 years ago

From the example, in the repo this is the extraction:

 openwith.load(intent.items[0], function (data, item) {
  console.log( atob(data))

I cannot see how to extract the data... the above log just outputs a string of unreadable content.

The item after load looks like this:

type: "application/octet-stream"
uri: "content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/BlockedFile_319287714984242"


I am completely new to android development so I can only assume that I have a wrong config? Should the URI be "BlockedFile"?

related: https://github.com/j3k0/cordova-plugin-openwith/issues/102