j3k0 / cordova-plugin-openwith

Get your Cordova App in the O.S. "Share" menu on iOS and Android
MIT License
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Command line build: codesign error #73

Open devtobo opened 4 years ago

devtobo commented 4 years ago

I can build via xcode with Automatically manage signing checked and everything works. When I try to build via the CLI I get these errors:

error: exportArchive: Automatic signing is unable to resolve an issue with the "ShareExt.appex" target's entitlements.

error: exportArchive: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: my.app.bundle.shareextension" doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the application-identifier entitlement.

I tried deleting all profiles under ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ but the result stays the same.

Any advice is appreciated

NiklasMerz commented 4 years ago

Sorry but signing is always messy with Xcode. Because my app is using an additional extension I always open the project in Xcode anyway to fixing signing issues. Cordova cli build never fully works for me sadly.

Ideally the hooks of this plugin should fix everything automatically and make it work. Are you sure your provisioning profiles are correct and set via the plugin variables in plugin.xml?

HarelM commented 4 years ago

@devtobo did you manage to solve it? I think the problem is with cordova-ios. there's a need to define two provisioning profiles for the extension and the app, cordova-iosseems to create a bad exportOptions.plist file...