j3k0 / cordova-plugin-purchase

In-App Purchase for Cordova on iOS, Android and Windows
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Question: What does "Sub-project dependencies start" mean and why can't I override Billing version? #1469

Closed avalanchas closed 7 months ago

avalanchas commented 8 months ago


Please forgive me this might be quite the silly question, or even the wrong place to ask. I am quite new to capacitor/cordova, any help or redirection is greatly appreciated 🙇

I set up my capacitor project and for most dependency versions, there is an override of the version I can do by setting the $version variable myself and then the build uses my version like so image

However, that does not seem possible for the Google Play Billing library, as it is hardcoded in the plugin gradle image

However, it is put between the comments


so I still have some hope that I can configure this myself? We'll need version 6.0.1 to be compatible with Android 14 https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/release-notes#6-0-1

j3k0 commented 7 months ago

Old issue, have you solved it? Notice that version 5.2.1 supported by plugin version 13.8.0 is also compatible with Android 14. I believe // SUB-PROJECT DEPENDENCIES START is added by capacitor to indicate lines added by things like plugins.