j3k0 / cordova-plugin-purchase

In-App Purchase for Cordova on iOS, Android and Windows
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[Android] No way to filter out deactivated products? #1537

Open xiaoxiao99 opened 2 months ago

xiaoxiao99 commented 2 months ago

Observed behavior

According to the API documentation, it seems Product.canPurchase is the only avaliable flag to check if a product is active or not. However, I found this flag is always true even if product is inactive. To confirm that fact I updated the product title at the same timing as deactivaing product in play store. It turns out the product title was updated in my app after a few hours, but the canPurchase flag still remains true. So it is not an issue of local caching.

Expected behavior

If canPurchase is not the right place to check product activeness, what else should I look into?

System Info

cordova-android :12.0.1 cordova-plugin-purchase: 3.10.1

PS This is my first try on this plugin, so I do not have chance to check the behavior on iOS yet.