j3k0 / cordova-plugin-purchase

In-App Purchase for Cordova on iOS, Android and Windows
1.29k stars 529 forks source link

Missing proper documentation #1543

Open Nikita0x opened 2 months ago

Nikita0x commented 2 months ago

Observed behavior

Half-written documentation, only 2 use-cases provided. Micro-example is hard to understand and not clear.

Expected behavior

Proper documentation, with steps on how to set up the plugin and how to use it. All cases provided. All APIs documented.

I didn't find a proper installation guide in the github repository. Github repository refers to the https://purchase.cordova.fovea.cc/ - which is supposed to have full documentation. When I go there - there is one obfuscated "micro-example" and 2 use cases which do not cover subscriptions. It's a real pain to set up. I admit, I am not a professional coder but I also feel like the author specifically obfuscated the docs and made it all not clear - so that they will contact him