j3k0 / cordova-plugin-purchase

In-App Purchase for Cordova on iOS, Android and Windows
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Problem with fovea validator #1550

Open yiannis-spyridakis opened 1 month ago

yiannis-spyridakis commented 1 month ago

Observed behavior

I am working on a project that uses the paid version of the fovea validator of the form:


We are currently integrating v13.x of the plugin and I have tested Android/Google Playstore for the time being. The problem is that in case of successful validation the success payload is returned with an empty .collection (VerifiedPurchase[]). This causes CdvPurchase.Product.owned to always return false (even for owned products) because CdvPurchase.Store.verifiedPurchases remains unpopulated.

A custom/dummy validator function that populates the collection with {id, purchaseDate, isExpired} fixes the issue.

Expected behavior

I don't know if it is an issue with the fovea validator or it is expected. In the later case should CdvPurchase.Product.owned use a different check? e.g. check for acknowledged transactions with the product?