j3k0 / ganomede-invitations

Ganomede Invitations
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Storage Schema #4

Closed elmigranto closed 9 years ago

elmigranto commented 9 years ago


I've been thinking how to implement EXPIRE of invitations and filter out stale value from user's invitations list and stumbled on couple of issues with schema.

Currently we have following data sets:

I suggest instead of lists with JSON we store SETS of invitation IDs for each user, and retrieve required invitations with MGET. This way we could identify expired invitations (nulls in MGET results) and update user's invitations set by SREMing.

I couldn't come up with a way of removing IDs of expired invitations from the lists of users which are other part of invitations, but that shouldn't be a problem.

Generating IDs

These should probably also depend on current time, or some autoincrementing value, so we definetly won't get collisions.

j3k0 commented 9 years ago

Hi there!


Little things concerning this design:

That's why we can keep the "Listing of invitations" feature O(1) by putting all data in "username -> list" (not only the ID).


Actually your set idea made me think about duplicate invitations. One nice way of preventing that would be to put the invitation data in a hash (myusername -> otherusername -> json) using HSET.

HGETALL to list all invitations.

We can expire the myusername key (make sure to update expiry date on each write on the hash).

Generation of IDs

This token contains 32 characters from 0..9..a...z (36 possibilities)


That 166 random bits. Guys did the analysis for 122 bits (this it's used by UUID v3) and said it should not be a worry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#Random_UUID_probability_of_duplicates

elmigranto commented 9 years ago

hash (myusername -> otherusername -> json)

So hash value would only store one invitation? Or do we serialize JS Array there?

That's why we can keep the "Listing of invitations" feature O(1) by putting all data in "username -> list" (not only the ID).

LRANGE is O(N), maybe there's a special case for LRANGE(0, -1) but I doubt it. SMEM followed by MGET are O(N) as well.

j3k0 commented 9 years ago

Alright after a bit more thinking, let's go for the solution you suggest:

I should not forget that "premature optimization is the root of all evil"

elmigranto commented 9 years ago

I think username -> set of ids is even better for that — add/remove is easy and O(1).

There are no way to expire user's list, though. We can either run periodical clean up jobs (like drop all userlists, recreate them from current invitations), or we can store username -> set of id:other_user strings, so we know all the places to remove expired invitation.

j3k0 commented 9 years ago

Or simply expire the whole "username" set.

j3k0 commented 9 years ago

BTW, I'm starting to think about next week. Wanna talk about it today? If so, I'm on Skype.

elmigranto commented 9 years ago

Or simply expire the whole "username" set.

Yeah, that sounds better. So with each invite action for username we refresh username set to expire in 15 days, same for invitations created.

Wanna talk about it today?

Sure, I'll ping within 30 minutes.

j3k0 commented 9 years ago
