j4k0xb / webcrack

Deobfuscate obfuscator.io, unminify and unpack bundled javascript
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I just need help, it's removing a defined value from this code. #16

Closed BotSolver closed 11 months ago

BotSolver commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug

I press deobfuscate and everything is fine, but if I put the code with the rest of the files it says this

background-wrapper.js:1 ReferenceError: _0x541988 is not defined at Object.S (background.bundle.js:1:152) at new It (background.bundle.js:1:338930) at background.bundle.js:1:930915 at background.bundle.js:1:930940 at background.bundle.js:1:931274 at background.bundle.js:1:934771 at background.bundle.js:1:934775

I don't mean to be annoying if anything so I apologize, just trying to get something done

Expected Behaviour

I expect to keep the value defined but it seems to remove it, breaking the whole code for the check




background-wrapper.js:1 ReferenceError: _0x541988 is not defined
    at Object.S (background.bundle.js:1:152)
    at new It (background.bundle.js:1:338930)
    at background.bundle.js:1:930915
    at background.bundle.js:1:930940
    at background.bundle.js:1:931274
    at background.bundle.js:1:934771
    at background.bundle.js:1:934775
    at background-wrapper.js:1:5
BotSolver commented 11 months ago

since the code is obfuscated, I have no clue how it's supposed to be defined at base, so it's not something I can fix on my own.

j4k0xb commented 11 months ago

thanks for reporting, its an issue where _0x541988 is accidentally detected as a string array proxy/wrapper and removed

function _0x541988() {
  var _0x3ad03a = a3_0x11e7;
  return _0x3ad03a(0x59b);
_0x15c3bf["d"](_0x314587, { S: () => _0x541988, n: () => _0x4d923d });

as a workaround you could manually replace it with this for now:

function _0x541988() {
  return "npm";
BotSolver commented 11 months ago

I see, thank you

j4k0xb commented 11 months ago

fixed in https://github.com/j4k0xb/webcrack/releases/tag/v2.9.0