j4k0xb / webcrack

Deobfuscate obfuscator.io, unminify and unpack bundled javascript
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There are some js to c/wasm transpilers but: #24

Open moongazer07 opened 8 months ago

moongazer07 commented 8 months ago
          There are some js to c/wasm transpilers but:

So a transpiler that supported every js feature would still be slower overall.

https://www.assemblyscript.org is very similar to js/ts but would also require rewriting or substantially modifying all libs, in which case using another language is most likely a better choice

Originally posted by @j4k0xb in https://github.com/j4k0xb/webcrack/issues/23#issuecomment-1806459574

found this: https://www.wasm.builders/gunjan_0307/compiling-javascript-to-wasm-34lk

j4k0xb commented 8 months ago

. (you can keep commenting on the previous issue btw 😅)

javy uses quickjs under the hood which is a javascript interpreter that can be run in wasm. But the javascript itself doesn't get compiled to wasm, only embedded in it as text.

I used it before to evaluate some parts of the obfuscated code before but the reason was for sandboxing and not speed. As you can see v8 is roughly 30-100x as fast: https://bellard.org/quickjs/bench.html image

moongazer07 commented 8 months ago

what about v8-compile-cache??

0xdevalias commented 8 months ago

(you can keep commenting on the previous issue btw 😅)

For ease of others following along, these are the previous issues that this discussion has been fragmented across:

I haven't evaluated if it would fully cover your needs, but if you haven't already, you might like to look at tree-sitter / web-tree-sitter / etc:

My suggestion here would be a rather major change, so it's not worth looking into too deeply unless it turns out there is no good/efficient way to manage this with the current AST parsers/etc; but one thing I stumbled across/was thinking about the other day was that the swc / tree-sitter / etc Rust/etc parsers can apparently be used from JS apps; and how that might allow us to run the unminify process much faster and/or in a potentially more memory efficient way:

These links/resources probably aren't exhaustive; but figured I would share them as a starting point in case this was a path that was worth looking into at some stage:

tree-sitter / web-tree-sitter

swc / @swc/wasm-web / swc_ecma_parser



  • https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack
    • This tool seeks to be a one-stop shop for building and working with rust- generated WebAssembly that you would like to interop with JavaScript, in the browser or with Node.js. wasm-pack helps you build rust-generated WebAssembly packages that you could publish to the npm registry, or otherwise use alongside any javascript packages in workflows that you already use

    • https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/book/

Originally posted by @0xdevalias in https://github.com/pionxzh/wakaru/issues/35#issuecomment-1815952802

j4k0xb commented 8 months ago

that the swc / tree-sitter / etc Rust/etc parsers can apparently be used from JS apps

I experimented a while ago with using rust parsers and converting back to the babel AST format: https://github.com/coderaiser/swc-to-babel The parsing is faster but unfortunately transferring all the objects to the JS context has so much overhead that its slower than the babel parser. So it should most likely be entirely JS or a native language, not mixed.

Another WIP JS-only attempt with https://github.com/meriyah/meriyah + https://github.com/j4k0xb/estree-to-babel/tree/perf could speed up parsing from 1.5s to 900ms for a large file Not sure if its worth it since parsing takes up like 2% and transforms 98% of the time

0xdevalias commented 7 months ago

I experimented a while ago with using rust parsers and converting back to the babel AST format The parsing is faster but unfortunately transferring all the objects to the JS context has so much overhead that its slower than the babel parser. So it should most likely be entirely JS or a native language, not mixed.

@j4k0xb True true, that would definitely make sense. I haven't spent much time looking deeply into the combination of JS + webasm things, but I do remember there being something about the 'data transfer' between them being somewhat 'expensive'.

How did you go about transfering the objects back to JS out of curiosity? I wonder if there are any methods that could be used to optimize that in a way that would speed things up; or alternatively, maybe a way to keep the actual AST objects within the rust side of things, but be able to manipulate them from JS functions/similar?

Another WIP JS-only attempt with could speed up parsing from 1.5s to 900ms for a large file Not sure if its worth it since parsing takes up like 2% and transforms 98% of the time

@j4k0xb Yeah, personally I would think optimising for the transform side of things makes the most sense as well.

Not sure how often it would come up in reality, but one thing I was thinking about was for particularly large bundles, sometimes it might take an unreasonable amount of time and/or memory to try and unbundle them; and so was thinking that in a case like that, perhaps it could make sense to use a rust/etc based tool to first extract them into individual module files (as an example), and then potentially process them in a later 'unminify' step (that could potentially be JS based).

That might not resolve anything anyway though, as the unminify step probably has to load the full JS context into memory to be able to unminify anyway, so it would probably just 'out of memory' at that point if it was going to.

j4k0xb commented 7 months ago

How did you go about transfering the objects back to JS out of curiosity?

Its serializing it with serde_json::to_string and deserializing with JSON.parse. Idk how to benchmark how long the native parsing vs serializing takes, here's the combined time for a 1.2MB bundle (380k nodes):

or alternatively, maybe a way to keep the actual AST objects within the rust side of things, but be able to manipulate them from JS functions/similar?

Definitely a possibility, but again the whole project would have to be rewritten in rust

sometimes it might take an unreasonable amount of time and/or memory to try and unbundle them

Do you have examples where this happens? The current time/memory usage is not that unreasonable imo:

to use a rust/etc based tool to first extract them into individual module files (as an example), and then potentially process them in a later 'unminify' step

I also thought about something similar where transforms could be performed in parallel for each module. How would that work with other kinds of scripts though? For example for deobfuscation its necessary to unminify everything before, a script could contain no bundle or a bundle in a deeply nested part of the code Maybe expose unminify/unpack/deobfuscate as own functions or modules so they can be much more optimized (can merge visitors, unminify doesn't need to crawl the scope)

0xdevalias commented 7 months ago

(I thought I replied to this the other week, but apparently got distracted somewhere along the way.. 😅)

here's the combined time for a 1.2MB bundle (380k nodes)

@j4k0xb True true, that doesn't look too bad all in all then.

Definitely a possibility, but again the whole project would have to be rewritten in rust

@j4k0xb Yeah.. that would be less than ideal.

I don't know how possible it is, or if there are existing libraries/etc that would make it easier, but my original thought in this area was if it was possible to basically 'describe the transformation to be made' on the JS side of things, and then pass that through to the rust side for it to do the 'heavy lifting'.

If that were possible, then it should remove the need to convert the whole project to rust, and also would remove the performance penalty of needing to pass the whole AST back and forth across the rust/JS boundary.

The 2 ways I was initially pondering that this might be possible were:

There was also one more idea I was pondering, though not sure if it would be impractical due to needing to cross back and forth across the rust/JS boundary (this idea is less thought through than the others above; and realistically could probably work with/alongside them, particularly the DSL idea):

Some related ideas/exploration based on the above potentials was:

Do you have examples where this happens?

@j4k0xb I don't personally have specific examples, and the one I was thinking of was using wakaru rather than webcrack, so it might not even apply here; but here are the details from that issue:

I have a 5Mb sized file that needs to be processed, I've tried running it directly in node and it takes up to 21G of memory space in some transform processing.

Originally posted by @StringKe in https://github.com/pionxzh/wakaru/issues/35#issue-1987139845

I tried the sample with the new CLI.

It took ~2GB and 60 seconds to pass for unpacker (and failed to unpack it into multiple files😞; I will check further!).

Generated 1 modules from main.ba3b216f.js to out (61,265.4ms)

For unminify, it took 3.4 hours... to finish the whole process. Memory usage is from 100MB ~ 1GB ~ 2GB depending on the rule.

I will improve the CLI to write files more frequently during the unminify process, and add a --perf flag for recording the time and memory usage.

Originally posted by @pionxzh in https://github.com/pionxzh/wakaru/issues/35#issuecomment-1818082000

0xdevalias commented 7 months ago

The following may also be of interest:

I wonder if there are any methods that could be used to optimize that in a way that would speed things up; or alternatively, maybe a way to keep the actual AST objects within the rust side of things, but be able to manipulate them from JS functions/similar?

Actually that's how ast-grep works. Here is a quote from Benchmark TypeScript Parsers: Demystify Rust Tooling Performance:

Tree-sitter and ast-grep avoid serde overhead by returning a tree object rather than a full AST structure. Accessing tree nodes requires invoking Rust methods from JavaScript, which distributes the cost over the reading process.

Originally posted by @pionxzh in https://github.com/pionxzh/wakaru/issues/35#issuecomment-1838763473

Actually that's how ast-grep works.

Oh true. I was thinking it probably did, particularly after skimming the source the other day (Ref), but I wasn't 100% sure still.

Here is a quote from Benchmark TypeScript Parsers: Demystify Rust Tooling Performance:

tree-sitter and ast-grep avoid serde overhead by returning a tree object rather than a full AST structure. Accessing tree nodes requires invoking Rust methods from JavaScript, which distributes the cost over the reading process.

That's super interesting and neat to know. For future reference, here's a link to the non-medium-paywalled version of that article (Ref) It was a really interesting read in general!

The results of the benchmarks for synchronous performance were pretty interesting, I definitely didn't expect swc to perform so poorly in general, nor for babel to perform unexpectedly so much better on the medium-sized file compared to most other things (I wonder what made it perform so well there?). It was also interesting to see that ast-grep consistently beat tree-sitter on it's own, despite it using tree-sitter as it's parser.


It was also really interesting in the async parsing to see just how much ast-grep seems to dominate everything; again seeming to perform way better than the tree-sitter parser it's built on top of:


These notes towards the end were also interesting/worth paying attention to:

Native Parser Performance Tricks

tree-sitter & ast-grep' Edge

These parsers manage to bypass serde costs post-parsing by returning a Rust object wrapper to Node.js. This strategy, while efficient, can lead to slower AST access in JavaScript as the cost is amortized over the reading phase.

ast-grep's async advantage:

ast-grep's performance in concurrent parsing scenarios is largely due to its utilization of multiple libuv threads. By default, the libuv thread pool size is set to four, but there's potential to enhance performance further by expanding the thread pool size, thus fully leveraging the available CPU cores.

Cool to see this note at the very end aligns with one of the thoughts I had too!

Shifting Workloads to Rust: The creation of a domain-specific language (DSL) tailored for AST node querying could shift a greater portion of computational work to the Rust side, enhancing overall efficiency.

Originally posted by @0xdevalias in https://github.com/pionxzh/wakaru/issues/35#issuecomment-1839675606

If you get deeper into benchmarking/optimisation of the Rust side of things, this was a good read:

Which I summarised the main points as:

The tl;dr of that blog seemed to be that they first used flamegraph, which was mildly useful, but not specifically detailed enough:

And then moved on to using miri and a less-obvious feature of it to generate a far more detailed trace, that could then be analysed within Google Chrome's DevTools performance tab:

Originally posted by @0xdevalias in https://github.com/ast-grep/ast-grep/issues/144#issuecomment-1839767054