j4k0xb / webcrack

Deobfuscate obfuscator.io, unminify and unpack bundled javascript
MIT License
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__DECODE_0__ #67

Closed funmolde closed 3 months ago

funmolde commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

Hello -_-

The javascript code is not completely __DECODE_0__ ;

I use the online version webcrack.netlify.app

Is there a difference between the online version and the version Command Line Interface ? Can you correct the __DECODE_0__ error?

Edge chromiun last version Windows 11 64 bit system, 24 ram

obfuscate.txt Deobfuscate.txt console log

Thank you for your help -__-

Expected Behaviour



small party example:
const originalQuerySelector = document[__DECODE_0__("0x245" - {
  e: 102
}.e, "e8^^") + __DECODE_0__("0x289" - {
  e: 102
}.e, "e8^^")];
document[__DECODE_0__("0x25a" - {
  e: 102
}.e, "6lfy") + __DECODE_0__("0x261" - {
  e: 102


No response

j4k0xb commented 3 months ago

Seems like the only reason it failed is because of

function G(a, b) {
  return d(b - { e: 102 }.e, a);

Try simplifying it to this for now, then deobfuscate. I'll also work on doing that automatically

function G(a, b) {
  return d(b - 102, a);


function flybpass(a) {
  if (("" + a).includes("goShortlink") || ("" + a).includes(".g-recaptcha") || ("" + a).includes("go-link")) {
  return originalQuerySelector.call(document, a);
const originalQuerySelector = document.querySelector;
document.querySelector = flybpass;

Is there a difference between the online version and the version Command Line Interface ?

not much, the online version always uses the latest commit and CLI is published later

funmolde commented 3 months ago
function G(a, b) {
  return d(b - 102, a);

Thank you very much, it works -___-