j4velin / WiFi-Automatic

Automatically turn off WiFi if you don't need it
Apache License 2.0
70 stars 32 forks source link

Recognize whether actually using internet and if yes - do not turn wifi off #19

Open arjamizo opened 9 years ago

arjamizo commented 9 years ago

So my problem is following: I am using CSipSimple for using voip communication and... sometimes, in the middle of conversation - wifi gets disconnected.

Do you have is there any solution to this problem?

j4velin commented 9 years ago

Well, it's not easy to detect whether WiFi is being used or not or to even decide that - if an app polls a server every 30 mins, should the app assume WiFi is in use? What if it polls every 5 min? If WiFi is enabled and there is a suefficient amount of apps installed, chances are good that WiFi is being used by at least one of them

arjamizo commented 9 years ago

Well, my idea is more about deciding whether either there's some white-listed app in the foreground or we observe that there's traffic on wifi interface, so we can postpone turning off the WiFi. I think the question is are there such a capibilities, there could be treshold for observing WiFi interface like if <5kBps for 10s then allow all turning off the WiFi.