j4velin / WiFi-Automatic

Automatically turn off WiFi if you don't need it
Apache License 2.0
70 stars 32 forks source link

Let the app run in background and prevent taskmanager from killing it #53

Closed H34dl3ss closed 3 years ago

H34dl3ss commented 3 years ago

This app is running fine on a MIUI 11 device, but when choosing to close all apps in task manager, it will also be closed. Although I toggeled autostart ON and removed energy saving policies, it will not restart and subsequently the WiFi won't switch as intended. It should run in background without task manager being able to kill the process. Maybe an icon in the toolbar to show the service status is a good idea also?

j4velin commented 3 years ago

If you dont want the app to be killed, then dont kill it in the task killer (or better: dont use task killers on Android). The app can not prevent it from being killed by another app