j4wang / ToDoList

Assignment #2 (Initial Commit)
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Updated #2

Open j4wang opened 10 years ago

j4wang commented 10 years ago

/cc @nesquena @timothy1ee

App works - still has some issues to be smoothed out, but basic functionality is available:

j4wang commented 10 years ago

Also included CocoaPods.

I'd also like to refactor the code to move the button logic to utility methods.

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago


This submission was very borderline. You need to start earlier. Or, if you don't have the time, I recommend you follow the class as an observer.

Your finishEdit: method should not be implemented like that. This is an extremely brute force mechanism and would have major performance issues in production. As I mentioned in the hints in the assignment description, you need to be tracking the UITextField delegate methods and keep your underlying array up to date. Also, you didn't implement persistence in this app.

Please implement the saving/restoring todo items by Friday. Use either NSUserDefaults or file I/O, NSArray has a built-in helper to load/save itself to disk. NSUserDefaults is a very commonly used tool, you should practice using it.

The next level is to be able to implement the multi-line to do item. It's an illustration of what it takes to really fine tune a UI. It's an intermediate level task. Not incredibly difficult, but may take you as long as the rest of the assignment.

Here's my checklist of things I'm looking at when I'm reviewing this project.