I think clarity and space utilization can be improved if certain information is grouped together rather than displayed separately.
For example, layers is displayed as a percent completed in a bar graph and then separately as a fraction X/Y layers. These could be combined with both the percent and the "X/Y layers" labeling the bar graph (they both are really the same just one is a percentage and the other is a fraction).
Similarly for the height percent bar graph vs the "X/Y mm" numerical display.
Similarly, the multiple time representations could be better grouped for easier readability.
I think clarity and space utilization can be improved if certain information is grouped together rather than displayed separately. For example, layers is displayed as a percent completed in a bar graph and then separately as a fraction X/Y layers. These could be combined with both the percent and the "X/Y layers" labeling the bar graph (they both are really the same just one is a percentage and the other is a fraction).
Similarly for the height percent bar graph vs the "X/Y mm" numerical display.
Similarly, the multiple time representations could be better grouped for easier readability.