j81blog / GenLeCertForNS

This script helps you to create a Let's Encrypt certificate for your NetScaler
GNU General Public License v3.0
39 stars 15 forks source link

Limit for CertKeyNameToUpdate #20

Open kuechn opened 2 months ago

kuechn commented 2 months ago

On the ADCs the "name" entries are quite long (long FQDN). Why is the paramater "CertKeyNameToUpdate" quite short?

[ValidateLength(1, 31)]

The spec says up to 128, if I'm reading it right?


certkeypair_name | | Read-write | Cert Key Pair Name.Minimum length = 1Maximum length = 128

j81blog commented 3 weeks ago

Could not find it, but that one could be changed over time. I started with this script around v9 and v10. Have to check if it was a requirement at that time. But I could find out to make a change in the script to allow more characters.