j96w / DenseFusion

"DenseFusion: 6D Object Pose Estimation by Iterative Dense Fusion" code repository
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Inference speed enhancement #122

Open vijaysamula opened 4 years ago

vijaysamula commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am glad about your work. I am using DenseFusion for real-time implementation(ROS). I have a problem with the speed of detection (inference speed) is very high (1 frame per 9sec). How to resolve it?

j96w commented 4 years ago

Hi, please double check your computer settings and the way of using this code. As is reported in the paper, we achieved 16 fps tracking speed with a 1080Ti Nvidia GPU in the real robot experiment. Also in another more complex category-level tacking project, DenseFusion also achieves 10 fps inference speed.

vijaysamula commented 4 years ago

I didn't do much in ROS. Just created a node that subscribes to the data from RGB, Depth, and label. and plotting the results on RGB using Matplotlib.

j96w commented 4 years ago

Hi, could you list your computer hardware settings? I thought you were talking about the inference speed.

vijaysamula commented 4 years ago

The PC is with RTX 2080 TI, i7 8th gen, and RAM 16gb

j96w commented 4 years ago

Ok, so you mean that your computer with RTX2080 takes 9 seconds to get the result of one single frame? Sorry, but I think there must be some bugs.

vijaysamula commented 4 years ago

can you check my code once?

vijaysamula commented 4 years ago

I will mail you if you provide me mail id. if it is possible only.

an99990 commented 2 years ago

hi @vijaysamula, how did you manage to change the code for inference ? I am facing issues understanding the arguments the models needs img if the rgb image, points is the point cloud , but what is choose and idx ? estimator(img, points, choose, idx)

thank you

vijaysamula commented 2 years ago

Hi @an99990, The choose are the points [choose] (https://github.com/j96w/DenseFusion/blob/f7af2d99a38890183fe1c97d84f6bf1488a175f5/tools/eval_ycb.py#L156) and index corresponds to the object index in the image. Densefusion first segments and crops the object and finds the corresponding depth mask and estimates the pose.

Coming to inference, images can be subscribed and points are always fixed. The index comes from the segmented pixel value. Just modify it accordingly.

an99990 commented 2 years ago

thank you for your answer @vijaysamula , So right now i am working with a zed camera, i am subscribed to an image topic and the point cloud topic, i feed these for my first models which outputs segmentation mask of the same size as the image.

From what you explain index would be the class label ( 1,2,3 ) of the object in the mask ? I would need to crop the object from the masks, and feed that mask ROI to densefusion ? Also i saw the definition of choose but i dont understand its purpose and values, and you say points are always fixed ? the point cloud are fixed ? what do you mean

Thank you again for your answer,

vijaysamula commented 2 years ago

The point cloud can be subscribed to and used. But I used the point cloud given by the YCB dataset as input without real-time. The RGB image is used to detect objects and choose is the variable that extracts the corresponding object https://github.com/j96w/DenseFusion/blob/f7af2d99a38890183fe1c97d84f6bf1488a175f5/tools/eval_ycb.py#L156.

an99990 commented 2 years ago

and object index in the image means that if theres one object in the image, index would be 1 ? in real time scenario is that something we give to the model ourselves such as the index is the list of mask for example if len(mask) = nb_ instance, then index would iterate in that range ?

thank you @vijaysamula

an99990 commented 2 years ago

what about cam_R_m2c and cam_t_m2c how are these values supposed to be feed in real time purposes ?

vijaysamula commented 2 years ago

The index comes from segmented pixel value as it is the object correspondence. I don't know about cam_R_m2c and cam_t_m2c? Point the line here.

an99990 commented 2 years ago

from dataset.py in linemod dataset

https://github.com/j96w/DenseFusion/blob/f7af2d99a38890183fe1c97d84f6bf1488a175f5/datasets/linemod/dataset.py#L130 https://github.com/j96w/DenseFusion/blob/f7af2d99a38890183fe1c97d84f6bf1488a175f5/datasets/linemod/dataset.py#L131

vijaysamula commented 2 years ago

I used it for YCB. I don't know about Linemod dataset.

an99990 commented 2 years ago

ok thank you, i will try with YCB then

an99990 commented 2 years ago

@vijaysamula do you know what num_points should be, i see it always being 500, is num_objects the number of classes ? thank you