j96w / MimicPlay

"MimicPlay: Long-Horizon Imitation Learning by Watching Human Play" code repository
MIT License
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How to apply the model to a real robot arm? #13

Open jinpeng1018 opened 2 months ago

jinpeng1018 commented 2 months ago

What a perfect innovation and work! However, I am encountering difficulties with applying it to a real robot arm because the provided script, run_trained_agent.py, relies on evaluation in a simulation environment. It seems challenging to modify this script directly for application on a real robot arm, especially with regard to input formats and other specifics. Could you please provide some related code or examples for real-world experiments as a reference? I would greatly appreciate it.

YujiaLin-523 commented 2 months ago

I have the same question. We want to apply MimicPlay on Franka Emika robotic arms. If you can kindly provide the code, it will be much easier.