jChicote / Asteroid_Visualizer

Asteroid visualizer using the NEO Each close approach data and visualized through Three.js
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create PlanetController and Presentation #10

Open jChicote opened 9 months ago

jChicote commented 9 months ago


The PlanetController and presentation will manage the invocation of the Gateways so that no game system interacts directly with the APIGateways. Their main responsibility is to bundle the functionality of anything related to planets.

Acceptance Criteria



Add GetMainPlanetsQuery

Add PlanetViewModel


Unit Tests:

jChicote commented 9 months ago


jChicote commented 9 months ago

Important Liinks for IoC containers:

https://obarguti.medium.com/creating-a-custom-inversion-of-control-container-ce6f2a3dc64 https://flexiple.com/javascript/javascript-dictionary https://betterprogramming.pub/understandable-dependency-injection-in-javascript-fab97062c34c https://blog.appsignal.com/2022/02/16/dependency-injection-in-javascript-write-testable-code-easily.html

jChicote commented 9 months ago

ChatGpt generated container

class Container {
  constructor() {
    this.dependencies = new Map();
    this.instances = new Map();

  register(name, dependency, options = { singleton: false }) {
    if (!this.dependencies.has(name)) {
      this.dependencies.set(name, {

  resolve(ClassToResolve) {
    if (this.instances.has(ClassToResolve)) {
      return this.instances.get(ClassToResolve);

    const dependencies = ClassToResolve.inject || [];
    const resolvedDependencies = dependencies.map((dependency) =>

    const { dependency, options } = this.dependencies.get(ClassToResolve.name);

    if (options.singleton) {
      const instance = new dependency(...resolvedDependencies);
      this.instances.set(ClassToResolve, instance);
      return instance;

    return new dependency(...resolvedDependencies);

class Logger {
  log(message) {

class UserService {
  static inject = ['Logger'];

  constructor(logger) {
    this.logger = logger;

  getUser() {
    this.logger.log('Getting user...');
    return 'John Doe';

const container = new Container();

container.register('Logger', Logger, { singleton: true });
container.register('UserService', UserService);

const userService = container.resolve(UserService);
userService.getUser(); // This will log "Getting user..."