jMetal / jMetalPy

A framework for single/multi-objective optimization with metaheuristics
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How can we save all solutions (both dominated and non-dominated)? (All function evaluations) #132

Closed mishras9 closed 5 months ago

mishras9 commented 2 years ago

How can I save all dominated and non-dominated solutions ?

For population= 100, number of generations= 10, I want to save all dominated and non-dominated solutions i.e., 100 pareto solutions and 900 non-pareto solutions from a total of 1000 functional evaluations. @ajnebro

from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii import NSGAII
from jmetal.operator import SBXCrossover, PolynomialMutation
from jmetal.util.termination_criterion import StoppingByEvaluations
from import ProgressBarObserver
from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.smpso import SMPSO
from jmetal.operator import PolynomialMutation
from jmetal.util.archive import CrowdingDistanceArchive
from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.spea2 import SPEA2
from jmetal.lab.experiment import Experiment, Job, generate_summary_from_experiment
from import Observer
from import PlotFrontToFileObserver, WriteFrontToFileObserver
import time

problem = MyProblem()

MFES= 1000

import time

start_time1 = time.process_time()
def configure_experiment(problems: dict, n_run: int):
    jobs = []

    for run in range(n_run):
        for problem_tag, problem in problems.items():
                 algorithm = NSGAII(
                     mutation=PolynomialMutation(probability=0.01, distribution_index=20),
                     crossover=SBXCrossover(probability=0.9, distribution_index=15),
    return jobs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Configure the experiments
    jobs = configure_experiment(problems={'My_Problem': MyProblem()}, n_run=5)
    # Run the study
    output_directory = 'P100G10'
    experiment = Experiment(output_dir=output_directory, jobs=jobs)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.process_time() - start_time1))

@TimJay @Juanjdurillo @ajnebro @Canicio @cbarba

ajnebro commented 2 years ago

There are several ways to cope with this. For example, you could create a subclass of NSGAII overriding the evaluate() method in this way:

  def evaluate(self, solution_list: List[S], global_solution_list:List[S]) -> List[S]:
    # Call the evaluate method of the super class and add the evaluated list to global_solution_list

You can create the global solution list before running the algorithm, and write its contents when the algorithm finishes.

mishras1993 commented 2 years ago

I receive error "NameError: name 'List' is not defined". Can you please give an example of how to include this? Also, how can I make changes to get the list of solutions both dominated and non-dominated for SMPSO?

For SMPSO, I changed the evaluate method to the following:

    def evaluate(self, solution_list: List[FloatSolution], global_solution_list:List[FloatSolution]) -> List[FloatSolution]:
        return self.swarm_evaluator.evaluate(solution_list, global_solution_list, self.problem)

But, how can I access the global solution list containing both dominated and non-dominated points? For getting only dominated points we use the following code: solutions = algorithm.get_result()

The entire code for SMPSO is given below:

Part 1:

import random
import threading
from copy import copy
from math import sqrt
from typing import TypeVar, List, Optional

import numpy

from jmetal.config import store
from jmetal.core.algorithm import ParticleSwarmOptimization, DynamicAlgorithm
from jmetal.core.operator import Mutation
from jmetal.core.problem import FloatProblem, DynamicProblem
from jmetal.core.solution import FloatSolution
from jmetal.util.archive import BoundedArchive, ArchiveWithReferencePoint
from jmetal.util.comparator import DominanceComparator
from jmetal.util.evaluator import Evaluator
from jmetal.util.generator import Generator
from jmetal.util.termination_criterion import TerminationCriterion

R = TypeVar('R')

.. module:: SMPSO
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Implementation of SMPSO.
.. moduleauthor:: Antonio Benítez-Hidalgo <>

class SMPSO(ParticleSwarmOptimization):

    def __init__(self,
                 problem: FloatProblem,
                 swarm_size: int,
                 mutation: Mutation,
                 leaders: Optional[BoundedArchive],
                 termination_criterion: TerminationCriterion = store.default_termination_criteria,
                 swarm_generator: Generator = store.default_generator,
                 swarm_evaluator: Evaluator = store.default_evaluator):
        """ This class implements the SMPSO algorithm as described in
        * SMPSO: A new PSO-based metaheuristic for multi-objective optimization
        * MCDM 2009. DOI: `<>`_.
        The implementation of SMPSO provided in jMetalPy follows the algorithm template described in the algorithm
        templates section of the documentation.
        :param problem: The problem to solve.
        :param swarm_size: Size of the swarm.
        :param max_evaluations: Maximum number of evaluations/iterations.
        :param mutation: Mutation operator (see :py:mod:`jmetal.operator.mutation`).
        :param leaders: Archive for leaders.
        super(SMPSO, self).__init__(
        self.swarm_generator = swarm_generator
        self.swarm_evaluator = swarm_evaluator
        self.termination_criterion = termination_criterion
        self.mutation_operator = mutation
        self.leaders = leaders

        self.c1_min = 1.5
        self.c1_max = 2.5
        self.c2_min = 1.5
        self.c2_max = 2.5
        self.r1_min = 0.0
        self.r1_max = 1.0
        self.r2_min = 0.0
        self.r2_max = 1.0
        self.min_weight = 0.1
        self.max_weight = 0.1
        self.change_velocity1 = -1
        self.change_velocity2 = -1

        self.dominance_comparator = DominanceComparator()

        self.speed = numpy.zeros((self.swarm_size, self.problem.number_of_variables), dtype=float)
        self.delta_max, self.delta_min = numpy.empty(problem.number_of_variables), \

    def create_initial_solutions(self) -> List[FloatSolution]:
        return [ for _ in range(self.swarm_size)]

    def evaluate(self, solution_list: List[FloatSolution], global_solution_list:List[FloatSolution]) -> List[FloatSolution]:
        return self.swarm_evaluator.evaluate(solution_list, global_solution_list, self.problem)

    def stopping_condition_is_met(self) -> bool:
        return self.termination_criterion.is_met

    def initialize_global_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
        for particle in swarm:

    def initialize_particle_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
        for particle in swarm:
            particle.attributes['local_best'] = copy(particle)

    def initialize_velocity(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
        for i in range(self.problem.number_of_variables):
            self.delta_max[i] = (self.problem.upper_bound[i] - self.problem.lower_bound[i]) / 2.0

        self.delta_min = -1.0 * self.delta_max

    def update_velocity(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
        for i in range(self.swarm_size):
            best_particle = copy(swarm[i].attributes['local_best'])
            best_global = self.select_global_best()

            r1 = round(random.uniform(self.r1_min, self.r1_max), 1)
            r2 = round(random.uniform(self.r2_min, self.r2_max), 1)
            c1 = round(random.uniform(self.c1_min, self.c1_max), 1)
            c2 = round(random.uniform(self.c2_min, self.c2_max), 1)
            wmax = self.max_weight
            wmin = self.min_weight

            for var in range(swarm[i].number_of_variables):
                self.speed[i][var] = \
                        self.__constriction_coefficient(c1, c2) *
                          * self.speed[i][var])
                         + (c1 * r1 * (best_particle.variables[var] - swarm[i].variables[var]))
                         + (c2 * r2 * (best_global.variables[var] - swarm[i].variables[var]))
                        self.delta_max, self.delta_min, var)

    def update_position(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
        for i in range(self.swarm_size):
            particle = swarm[i]

            for j in range(particle.number_of_variables):
                particle.variables[j] += self.speed[i][j]

                if particle.variables[j] < self.problem.lower_bound[j]:
                    particle.variables[j] = self.problem.lower_bound[j]
                    self.speed[i][j] *= self.change_velocity1

                if particle.variables[j] > self.problem.upper_bound[j]:
                    particle.variables[j] = self.problem.upper_bound[j]
                    self.speed[i][j] *= self.change_velocity2

    def update_global_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
        for particle in swarm:

    def update_particle_best(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
        for i in range(self.swarm_size):
            flag =
            if flag != 1:
                swarm[i].attributes['local_best'] = copy(swarm[i])

    def perturbation(self, swarm: List[FloatSolution]) -> None:
        for i in range(self.swarm_size):
            if (i % 6) == 0:

    def select_global_best(self) -> FloatSolution:
        leaders = self.leaders.solution_list

        if len(leaders) > 2:
            particles = random.sample(leaders, 2)

            if[0], particles[1]) < 1:
                best_global = copy(particles[0])
                best_global = copy(particles[1])
            best_global = copy(self.leaders.solution_list[0])

        return best_global

    def __velocity_constriction(self, value: float, delta_max: [], delta_min: [], variable_index: int) -> float:
        result = value
        if value > delta_max[variable_index]:
            result = delta_max[variable_index]
        if value < delta_min[variable_index]:
            result = delta_min[variable_index]

        return result

    def __inertia_weight(self, wmax: float):
        return wmax

    def __constriction_coefficient(self, c1: float, c2: float) -> float:
        rho = c1 + c2
        if rho <= 4:
            result = 1.0
            result = 2.0 / (2.0 - rho - sqrt(pow(rho, 2.0) - 4.0 * rho))

        return result

    def init_progress(self) -> None:
        self.evaluations = self.swarm_size


    def update_progress(self) -> None:
        self.evaluations += self.swarm_size

        observable_data = self.get_observable_data()
        observable_data['SOLUTIONS'] = self.leaders.solution_list

    def get_result(self) -> List[FloatSolution]:
        return self.leaders.solution_list

    def get_name(self) -> str:
        return 'SMPSO'

Part 2:

import os 
import sys  
iter = 1  
maxIter = 1
while (iter <= maxIter):
    from jmetal.operator import SBXCrossover, PolynomialMutation
    from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.smpso import SMPSO
    from jmetal.operator import PolynomialMutation
    from jmetal.util.archive import CrowdingDistanceArchive
    from jmetal.util.termination_criterion import StoppingByEvaluations

    problem = MyProblem()
    MFES= 50000

    algorithm = SMPSO(
    mutation=PolynomialMutation(probability=0.01, distribution_index=20),
    solutions = algorithm.get_result()

    from jmetal.util.solution import get_non_dominated_solutions
    front = get_non_dominated_solutions(solutions)

    iter += 1 
print('Loop ended.')

@TimJay @Juanjdurillo @ajnebro @Canicio @cbarba

BramHillebrand commented 2 years ago

This is something I was also looking for. For the NSGAII algorithm. I do not fully understand the solution to overwrite the evaluate function. Could someone maybe elaborate a little? It could very well be due to my coding skills. Any help would be appreciated.