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JavaScript Engine Choice #3

Open phase opened 8 years ago

phase commented 8 years ago

Obviously if you're going to write an operating system using jQuery, you're going to need JavaScript. And to get JavaScript running, you need an engine for it.

Duktape was built for this. It's incredibly small, and can be easily integrated with any C setup.

V7 is another good choice. It's only ~200kb.

The only argument against these is that they aren't using JIT, which could be a problem if you were to have something big running on them, i.e. an OS. V8 would be a great choice for JIT, though it's a lot larger.

vihanb commented 8 years ago

The reason I was thinking about V8 is it would be easier to incorporate a DOM as I could just copy+paste Chromium's code. I'll take a look at those though

somebody1234 commented 8 years ago

Plus, you can use Chromium as the renderer with V8.

vihanb commented 7 years ago

I'll re-enforce my vote for v8 since I am now familiar with v8 internals