ja2-stracciatella / mod-wildfire-maps

Wildfire (6.04) maps mod for JA2 Stracciatella
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
8 stars 1 forks source link

Update GridNos in creature-lairs JSON #3

Closed ja2-derek closed 4 years ago

ja2-derek commented 4 years ago

To fix the known issue with warp exit from lairs, and as follow up of https://github.com/ja2-stracciatella/ja2-stracciatella/pull/1106.

The JSON is the same as vanilla except the gridNos. New town sectors are not considered.

Diff from Vanilla strategic-map-creature-lairs.json:

< /*
<  * Defines all the possible Crepitus creature lairs and spreading. There can be at most 1 lair activated in each (Sci-Fi) game.
<  *
<  * Field definitions:
<  *  - lairId:    A unique numeric ID for the lair. Must be an integer greater than zero.
<  *  - associatedMineId:    Creature lair must be located and associated with one mine.
<  *  - entranceSector:    Where the lair entrance is located. There must be an alternate map file (*_a.dat), which will be activated at lair initialization.
<  *  - sectors:    This should be a consecutive, non-branching, ordered list of underground sectors making up the lair, specified as an array of [sector, sectorZ, habitatType]. This list should start with the innermost sector, which is the QUEEN_LAIR. The creatures will spread out outwards. Each sector must have a corresponding map file and defined in strategic-map-underground-sectors.json; "habitatType" must be one of: QUEEN_LAIR, LAIR, LAIR_ENTRANCE, INNER_MINE, OUTER_MINE, FEEDING_GROUNDS or MINE_EXIT. See Creature_Spreading.h for details.
<  *  - warpExit:    Destination for the "Travel to surface?" warp from deep underground
<  *  - attackSectors: List of town sectors and enemy insertion. Used by creatures to make town attacks. Each entry can have four fields: 1) sector, which should be a nearby town sector; 2) chance, which is an integer weight on how likely the sector is chosen for the next attack; 3) insertionCode: any one from the INSERTION_CODE_* enum but without the prefix, such as "GRIDNO", "NORTH", "CENTER"; 4) insertionGridNo: optional GridNo, required only if the insertionCode is "GRIDNO"
<  */
<             "gridNo": 20700
>             "gridNo": 17030
<                 "insertionGridNo": 20703
>                 "insertionGridNo": 16864
<             "gridNo": 13002
>             "gridNo": 10505
<                 "insertionGridNo": 13005
>                 "insertionGridNo": 9034
<             "gridNo": 9085
>             "gridNo": 6315
<                 "insertionGridNo": 9726
>                 "insertionGridNo": 6151
<             "gridNo": 9822
>             "gridNo": 9846
<                 "insertionGridNo": 10303
>                 "insertionGridNo": 9364