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Extract parts-of-speech from given text in Android app #22

Open dharmeshrchauhan opened 7 years ago

dharmeshrchauhan commented 7 years ago

Extract parts of speech like nouns, verbs etc from given text in Android app through DL4J framework.

dharmeshrchauhan commented 7 years ago

Tried PosUimaTokenizerFactory, which directly gives parts of speech. However as it uses java libraries not available in Android, it did not work.

dharmeshrchauhan commented 7 years ago

Found that one of the dependency uimaj-core uses beans.java.Introspector which is not supported in Android, so recompiled uimaj-core after replacing java beans with droid-java-beans.

dharmeshrchauhan commented 7 years ago

Another dependency uimafit-core is also using unsupported java beans classes. So trying to recompile uimafit-core after replacing java beans with droid-java-beans. However this is not working, so trying to find solution.