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Space polybar theme does not work with i3-gaps. #8

Open bosko2004 opened 5 years ago

bosko2004 commented 5 years ago

I really like this polybar theme but it does not work in i3-gaps. I tried to install fonts but still some parts are invisible. I only see date, time and clock icon, turn off icon, 'CPU' text and 'RAM' text with a scale. I an using Arch Linux. Can you please help.

config.txt launch.txt

bosko2004 commented 5 years ago

Can someone please answer

aeros commented 5 years ago

It's likely not a problem with i3-gaps compatibility, it probably means that you are missing a font package that the author is using. From looking over the config, it looks like the author is using a version of Font Awesome. Try installing this package: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/any/ttf-font-awesome/

If that does not work, you may also want to try the version 4 font awesome on the AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ttf-font-awesome-4/

You'll find that trying to use the configs of others can be a great guideline for i3, but the tricky part is that it requires you to have any packages the author is using, and there's often not going to be thorough documentation on these dotfile repos. I'd recommend reading over the i3 docs so you have an idea of how the config settings work. This will help with being able to figure out dependencies or remove/modify parts that require a package you don't want.

I've tried in the past to copy the configs of others, but it almost never works out without some degree of troubleshooting. If you don't want to spend the time learning how to fully configure i3, I'd recommend checking out a customizable desktop environment. You can use a tiling window manager on top of existing environments, some are more compatible than others.