jaakkopasanen / AutoEq

Automatic headphone equalization from frequency responses
MIT License
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Making my own convolutional eq for use with HeSuVi #566

Closed Abolohit closed 1 year ago

Abolohit commented 1 year ago

First of all, I would like to thank you for making AutoEq. I am a long time user of it inside HeSuVi, and it has been a godsend for me.

The eq samples hosted in this repo get updated regularly, as I have noticed. One important thing I have observed, is that there has been a change in the target response of the eq profiles you have been making and updating. The profiles from before your October 18th 2021 commit had a specific target response.

The subsequent updates have been targeting a different target frequency response, right?

In my case, I find that I prefer the sound produced by the earlier target frequency response. The new eq profiles sound worse to me, maybe thats my personal preference. Can you please share, what was the original target response in 2021? I am unable to find it

Abolohit commented 1 year ago

I have been using ATH M40X headphones for the past 4 years, alongwith the dht- hrir for surround sound usage. The eq profile for ATH M40x in the October 17th 2021 commit has sounded the best for me. The eq profiles in the subsequent updates do not sound as good. There has been a loss in detail across the frequency range. Sounds noticeably more muddy with the new profiles. When I restored the 2021 eq profiles from a backup, I got back the original perfect sound that I had been missing.

Sadly, the ATH M40X died day before yesterday after 4 years of service. I have bought Monoprice Monolith M565C headphones as replacement. I saw that their eq profile does not exist in the hesuvi.zip in the recent commits in the autoeq repo. After a bit of googling, I found a frequency response for the headphone in question here at this link https://www.head-fi.org/threads/monoprice-monolith-m565c-closed-planar-headphones-impressions-thread.933726/

(Please copy the link and paste it in your browser address bar to find the frequency response in question, directly clicking on the link in the github comment is not opening the website, dunno why)

I am now trying to make my own convolutional eq for these headphones using the frequency response from the link posted above, using your article on medium, but the results I am getting sound quite bad, worse than using just barebones hesuvi without any eq at all. I am sure I am doing something wrong with the command line parameters. Can you please guide me in making this eq configuration? My target is that frequency response from October 2021

Abolohit commented 1 year ago

best ath m40x curve This the ATH M40X curve from the October 2021 commit.

This one sounds the best to me. What command line parameters do I need to give, to get the sound produced by this eq config?

latest ath m40x curve This is the ATH M40X curve fom subsequent commits. The end result sound produced by this eq config sounds noticeably worse compared to the previous config above, keeping rest everything else the same for apples to apples comparison(audio driver, headphone, windows version, music file under test)

My goal is that my Monolith M565C should sound as good, if not better than how the ATH M40X sounded using the eq config targetting the October 2021 target frequency response.

Abolohit commented 1 year ago

I was able to achieve my goals. The issue was that I was using the harman over ear 2018 compensation while making the eq profile, giving the muddy results. I tried using the zero compensation. Then the generated eq profile sounded as good as the ATH M40X, if not better, meaning I got the perfect target frequency target I was searching for!

This means that the measurement source I found for Monolith M565C was already compensated. Can I share the measurement csv and generated eq profile here, so that it can be integrated into AutoEq?