jaamo / strava2kilometrikisa

Node web app for synchronizing activities from Strava to kilometrikisa.
10 stars 9 forks source link

Forked project to be rewritten in TS #67

Open Tumetsu opened 2 years ago

Tumetsu commented 2 years ago

Since this project is apparently abandoned I forked the project to another repository here: https://github.com/Tumetsu/strava2kilometrikisa

I'm working to port the app to Typescript and maybe could host it. Not sure. We will see how it turns out. Just thought to add issue here if someone comes around to investigate and would like to contribute :smile:

Tumetsu commented 2 years ago

In the end I decided against publicly hosting this project. However, I were in contact with Kilometrikisa and to me it seems like they are open to ideas how to implement the Strava sync. As for me, if someone want's to continue from where I left, feel free to fork my repository or contact me about it. It should work fine and might be a bit nicer to maintain since it is written in Typescript and has some unit tests.

Or if the maintainers of this repo are interested integrating those changes to this repository, I'm willing to help with that.