jaanauati / react-dfp

A React implementation of the Google DFP/GPT api. https://react-dfp.surge.sh
MIT License
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Depracted method #242

Open joannajerz opened 2 years ago

joannajerz commented 2 years ago

The following functions are deprecated: googletag.pubads().setTagForChildDirectedTreatment(), googletag.pubads().clearTagForChildDirectedTreatment(), googletag.pubads().setRequestNonPersonalizedAds(), and googletag.pubads().setTagForUnderAgeOfConsent(). Please use googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings() instead.

Hi, i get this warning about using deprecated method.

sunech commented 1 year ago

Anyone found a workaround for these warnings, as well as the one below?

googletag.pubads().setCookieOptions() has been removed, and no longer has any effect. Consider migrating to Limited Ads.

or alternatively maybe another package that works with Google Ad Manager and React? Not that I would like to leave react-dfp, it's some really great effort that has been put in to this package, so I hope it gets updated at some point.