jabbera / my-vsts-tasks

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To fix the issue #50 about installing a service with custom credentials #51

Open aminm-net opened 3 years ago

aminm-net commented 3 years ago

To fix the issue #50 raised on May 28 by @luke-barnett

The issue appears on task version 8 as the script generated by the task looks like the following: MyTopShelfService.exe" install -username "MyUserName" -password:"***"

While the above works perfectly fine in windows command prompt and in older task versions (probably due to a different version in PowerShell there), it fails if you run it with windows PowerShel.

To fix, the final script should be like: (look at the colon instead of space after username switch)

MyTopShelfService.exe" install -username:"MyUserName" -password:"***"