jabbink / PokemonGoBot

DEFUNCT - Bot that plays Pokemon Go
GNU General Public License v3.0
558 stars 232 forks source link

When in "Retrying in 10 seconds..." loop, cannot ctrl+c break #456

Open froglordsixtynine opened 8 years ago

froglordsixtynine commented 8 years ago

Description: When in the

26 Jul 16:06:14: Got 0 pokestops 26 Jul 16:06:14: Retrying in 10 seconds...

loop, ctrl c does not gracefully exit

Expected behavior: Press ctrl c, script stops

Actual behavior: ctrl c does nothing

Version: f2f8fd6

Operating System: Windows (powershell)

Java version: java version "1.8.0_101" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.101-b13, mixed mode)

CptJackieSparrow commented 8 years ago

I used my older config file to make it work again. It's okay for now but i don't have control over configs.

Offline-R503B commented 8 years ago

Should be just a temporary issue due to some server instability. Pokemon Go servers aren't that good.

froglordsixtynine commented 8 years ago

This issue isn't about the error message being hit, it's about being unable to exit out of the bot once it's hit.

SSminowjohnson commented 8 years ago

I'm getting this same error over and over on 0.5.0 Alpha 4:

Got 0 pokestops Retrying in 10 seconds...

Bot starts, retrieves my current Pokemon, but then starts spamming that error.

Mixone-FinallyHere commented 8 years ago

you press control c and then get a: Terminate batch job?(Y/N) you have to press "y" and then enter not cntrl c continuously