jabir-zheng / TCD

Official Repository of the paper "Trajectory Consistency Distillation"
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TCD LoRA is higher rank than It needs to be #2

Open AI-Casanova opened 4 months ago

AI-Casanova commented 4 months ago

Thanks for this amazing sampler, it's way better than LCM in my estimation.

The file size of the LoRA could be much smaller with no ill effect however.

Full rank file size: 375.6mb Resizing to rank 4: File size 23.8mb Average Frobenius norm retention: 91.92% | std: 0.101

Resizing to rank 2: File size 12.1mb Average Frobenius norm retention: 88.57% | std: 0.140


mhh0318 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your valuable discovery. We will further explore the influence of the model's rank. In our preliminary exploratory experiments, we found that the rank has some impact on LCM, so we carelessly followed the experimental setup at that time and did not perform an ablation on rank. Thanks again for pointing it out.

AI-Casanova commented 4 months ago

No problem, and to be fair, sometimes training at a higher rank and doing SVD is better than training at lower rank.

Also, compared to LCM, I am greatly impressed by how much less reliant on the LoRA TCD seems to be. The LoRA fixes contrast, but the base image is fully formed and not a blurry mess at 6 steps.

This was just something I discovered as I and the other devs at SDNext were adding your sampler.

Thanks again for a great sampler!