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Log Meeting Minutes #11

Open pmiri opened 7 years ago

pmiri commented 7 years ago

Meeting Document to be handed in

From Professor's Document on Moodle For every meeting, you are expected to maintain brief minutes. The meeting minutes are intended to be relatively informal. Include:

When the minutes for the whole project are assembled, it should reasonably document your progress throughout your project.

The minutes from each meeting should be kept separate and documented with a title on the start page as “Meeting # dated dd/mm/yy”, so it is easy to tell what went on as the project progressed.

This document (to be submitted as part of the final submission) should consist of minutes of all the team meetings from the start of the team project.

pmiri commented 7 years ago

Basically, will log comment for every meeting + minutes, and then later compile into documents after with final submission

pmiri commented 7 years ago

Meeting # 1 dated 27/09/16

In attendance: Antoine, Denis, Jacob, Phil, Yoann

First Meeting, no progress.

Brainstorming session and team conversation about games we would want to make.

Hoped to meet again to build Pitch Doc and Powerpoint

pmiri commented 7 years ago

Meeting # 2 dated 4/10/16

In attendance: Antoine, Jacob, Phil, Yoann

Idea for game ready

Built Pitch Doc and Presentation Slides

Prepared for game presentation

pmiri commented 7 years ago

Meeting # 3 dated 25/10/16

In attendance: Antoine, Jacob, Denis, Phil

Game pitched with some code added to project.

Github, GDD setup complete. Task management prepared. Work on GDD and game

Complete self-assigned tasks and move forward with progress by next meeting.

pmiri commented 7 years ago

Meeting # 4 dated 01/11/16

In attendance: Jacob, Phil

Work has been committed to the project.

Discussed and implemented game functionality, as well as project development.

Merge work and recap with entire team.