jac-uk / admin

The Vue SPA for managing applications and applicants
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Update existing QT Merit list configuration #2487

Open nickaddy opened 1 month ago

nickaddy commented 1 month ago


The current QT merit list task needs to be reconfigured to display the necessary data on screen, unnecessary content removed, and a download option provided, whilst additional columns not displayed on screen can be optionally selected by Admins to appear on the download.

User Story

As an Admin, I would like to see on screen the candidate name, the z-score and candidate rank and the additional columns specified below included in the download so that I have all the info necessary for candidate feedback.

Benefit(s) to user (if not already clear from User story)

On screen info is limited to what is essential for the merit list, additional info is available in the download.

Feature(s) Description


Acceptance Criteria

It's done when the onscreen and downloaded reports are formatted as described.

Definition of Done

User Testing Steps

Specify for users what is being tested (but not how to test it.)

Feature Champion


nickaddy commented 1 month ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @drieJAC @HalcyonJAC @tomlovesgithub @warrensearle

HalcyonJAC commented 1 month ago

Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @KoWeiJAC

HalcyonJAC commented 1 month ago

This ticket has been blocked by the work of updating the completed screen of Merit list by @warrensearle.