jacamo-lang / jacamo-web

web interface for JaCaMo
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Create an ACE editor mode for Jason #16

Open cleberjamaral opened 4 years ago

cleberjamaral commented 4 years ago

We are currently using erlang mode but there are several tokens that are not suitable, for instance, the #comment one. It is also necessary to create many others like for adding and removing beliefs, for plans, namespaces and so on.

Some material about how to create/extend a mode: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/wiki/Creating-or-Extending-an-Edit-Mode For testing highlighting script https://ace.c9.io/tool/mode_creator.html For testing regex: https://regex101.com/

cleberjamaral commented 4 years ago

We now have a grammar completely based on erlang one. At the current time, the only improvement is that it is correctly accepting comments in jason using double slash and block comments using / /. The grammar now needs a big revision because many erlang tokens are not suitable in jason context and many jason tokens that are not covered.